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World AIDS Day 2016: Providing homes for orphans

Blog Team
Dec 01, 2016

Today is World AIDS Day, a day we unite to stand with those affected by this global pandemic.

Although the HIV virus was unheard of until a few decades ago, more than 34 million people worldwide now suffer from it. The majority of those who are HIV-positive live in sub-Saharan Africa with no access to the constant medical treatment they require.

Every year, 1 million people die from HIV/AIDS in Africa alone, leaving countless children orphaned and left to fend for themselves.

These numbers are truly overwhelming, but the good news is there is hope, and you can help.

When you contribute toward a Home of Hope, you give AIDS-orphaned children a safe place to live, learn, and grow. Watch the video below to see how Gladys and Hilda’s lives were completely transformed because they received a second chance at life in one of these homes.

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Providing a Home of Hope doesn’t just help a child for one day. It empowers him to take control of his future and live a thriving, Christ-centered life. It gives him the education, coping skills, and spiritual training needed to build a successful career and even become a leader in his community.

Starting today, you can help an orphaned boy or girl go from barely surviving on the streets to flourishing in a loving family atmosphere.

On World AIDS Day, will you help the most vulnerable victims of this massive health crisis?

The need is tremendous, but so is your power to make a difference. 

Click to give toward a Home for Hope and to discover other gifts you can send to impoverished communities around the world.

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