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Virginia First | Area Group Leaps to Guatemala’s Aid Amid Tragedy

  • June 08, 2018

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Hundreds injured, hundreds dead and nearly two million others facing devastation after a volcano erupts in Guatemala on Sunday.

A local Christian humanitarian organization is jumping into action to help with the recent tragedy.

“Our goal is to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow,” said Mark Hogsed, vice president of international programs.

For 11 years, World Help has been providing international aid to Guatemala.

The country’s recent, devastating volcanic eruption is no exception.

“As soon as we heard of the eruption on Sunday night, we immediately started working with our partner on the ground there… We were able to be there by Monday morning,” he said.

The group’s aid efforts are centered around mobilizing supplies to these areas of great need.

World Help is providing numerous donations of food, medical supplies, hygiene items, and clothing.

A number of the group’s 80 employees have been focused directly on Guatemala aid.

“A Whole team that’s working on providing aid for Guatemala, and there’s a whole team in Guatemalain country as well… a large team is required for disaster relief like this,” he said.

There are ways for you to help as well. World help is asking for monetary donations to assist in their aid efforts.

“For 35 dollars, one person can be provided with what he or she needs to sustain through this tragedy. That can be food, medical supplies, other types of aid as well,” he said.

World Help leaders are confident that this work is leaving its mark on the Central American country.

“We fully trust that our work together is going to impact thousands of people,” he said.

World Help says they’ll continue sending resources to Guatemala until their help is no longer needed. If you’d like to help, please visit

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