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Humanitarian Aid2 min read


World Help’s first annual Serve the World Day

Kelsey Campbell
Nov 19, 2021

On Nov. 12, World Help staff and members of the Patrick Shaw family took time to honor the memory of Patrick, a former World Help employee.

Patrick passed away on Nov. 9, 2020, after battling cancer. Because of his servant’s heart and his dedication to World Help’s aid and relief department, the World Help family came together to volunteer at our distribution center.

Check out the highlight video below:

Staff, family, and friends of Patrick worked together to sort and box up clothing that will be shipped to impoverished communities around the world.

The day was full of sharing memories of Patrick and serving people like Patrick loved to do.

“Serve the World Day is an important day for our organization,” Josh Brewer, director of the humanitarian aid department said. “It’s a day where we honor and carry forward the legacy of a late member of our team, Patrick Shaw, who played an integral role in our outreach of serving others around the world. It is our prayer that Serve the World Day continues to grow and impact thousands of people in need each year around the world, just like Patrick did every day of his life!”

Serve the World Day was a wonderful time of fellowship, volunteering, and remembering a dear friend.

Even if you didn’t know Patrick Shaw, you can still show your own servant’s heart by volunteering at our distribution center. To find out more, click the link below.

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