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Advocacy2 min read


World Humanitarian Day 2012

Blog Team
Aug 19, 2012

This is a day to examine our own lives and consider what more we can do to help—to reach out to people enduring conflict, disaster, and hardship.

–U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Today is internationally recognized as World Humanitarian Day.

Syrian RefugeesDesignated by the United Nations, today serves as a necessary reminder of the extensive humanitarian work that is being done right now in every corner of the world, even in the face of history’s most astounding crises. It is a day to acknowledge that the needs of our world are widespread and urgent—too urgent to ignore.

The High Commissioner of Human Rights puts it this way:

Humanitarian work and human rights are inextricably entwined . . . without humanitarian aid, the basic human rights of millions of people—including the right to seek asylum from persecution, the right to education, and, most fundamental of all, the right to life—would be denied.

Since 1993, World Help has been passionately involved in providing life-saving supplies to those suffering in the wake of conflict, famine, food shortages, natural disasters, and extreme poverty.

Our reach has been extensive—starting with struggling cancer hospitals in the former Soviet Union, to communities of poor Guatemalans literally living on mountains of trash and waste, to the earthquake-devastated nation of Haiti, to millions of starving children in the Horn of Africa . . . and now, to desperate Syrian refugees who are fleeing for their lives.

Syrian RefugeesAs we speak, Syria is waging an internal war between regime forces and rebel “freedom fighters” that shows no sign of slowing. The death toll has risen to over 20,000 since the fighting began last year, with innocent people—even children—being tortured and killed indiscriminately.

Refugees are pouring out of the country by the tens of thousands every day. Their jobs are gone, their homes are gone, their loved ones are gone—they have nothing left.

There is no way to know when the Syrian war will end, but one thing is certain—the lives of millions will never be the same.

Together, let’s make this World Humanitarian Day more than just a commemoration, let’s make it an opportunity to act . . . to influence change . . . to bring help to our neighbors in desperate need.

Since inception, over $670 million of food, medicine and medical supplies, clothing, and other aid supplies have been distributed to people in dire need, impacting over 22 million lives with help and hope. Join us in responding to the Syrian refugees fighting for their lives every day. A simple gift of $20 will feed one child for an entire month . . . that’s only 67 cents a day!

Everyone is capable of being a humanitarian. It’s as simple as caring for another human being in need.

We hope you’ll celebrate the day by giving back.


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