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Community Development34 min read


World Photography Day: A look at the world through our lens

Emily Towns
Aug 18, 2019

They say a single photo is worth a thousand words. Well, if that’s true, then here are about 8,000 words describing the incredible impact you have made around the world this year!

Tomorrow, Aug. 19, is World Photography Day, and we’re celebrating by sharing some of the most powerful images captured by our photographers of people around the world you have helped rescue.

While you may never physically travel to these places or meet these individuals, these photos will hopefully give you a glimpse how your gifts are transforming lives and restoring hope.

Here’s a look at the world through our lens:

If this classroom seems full, that’s because it is. But that’s a good thing! You see, many of these kids in Uganda would never be able to attend school if it weren’t for child sponsorship. They couldn’t afford the school fees or the uniforms or the school supplies. But because of their sponsors, these children are receiving an education … and the chance to escape the grip of poverty. These kids are thankful they can learn and dream of a brighter future.


In India’s Banchara community, first-born daughters carry a heavy burden. From the moment they come into this world, they are raised knowing that the responsibility to pay for their brothers’ dowries rests solely on their small shoulders. Girls as young as 12 are expected to earn money any way they can … and without an education, that usually means joining the sex industry. But your gifts help introduce these girls to freedom by providing them with educational opportunities, medical care, counseling, safe housing, and more.


This little boy’s short life has been full of agony. He lives in a poor village in Guatemala where there is little access to proper nutrition and clean water. He was crying because his little body was shutting down from malnourishment. But, thanks to a generous donor, he has been rescued. He was rushed to a treatment center where he is receiving the care and nourishment he needs.


Countless families in sub-Saharan Africa have to walk for hours just to get clean water. The walk is taxing and often dangerous; however, for far too many people, it is simply a way of life. But everything changed for this community when they received a clean-water well. Students in the local school rejoiced when they realized they can now drink clean, fresh water anytime they want it. Because of this well, they can look forward to a brighter future. 


Many Christians around the world have never held a Bible of their own. Frequently, the few Bibles churches do have are passed around, and over time, the copies often become worn. Bibles are expensive, far too costly for people who can barely afford to put food on the table. However, Bibles for All Ambassadors helped provide Bibles to people around the world — sharing the message of Jesus with men, women, and children in desperate need of hope.


In South Korea, a group of Christians consisting of South Koreans and North Korean defectors, gathered to worship and cry out to God. Their request? That the Gospel will become known in North Korea — the most dangerous country on earth for Christians. And thanks to Bibles sent by donors like you, their prayer is being answered. The underground North Korean church continues to grow year after year despite incredible persecution.


This young mother once enjoyed a safe, comfortable life in a home of her own. But ongoing hostilities forced her to flee, and now she lives in a makeshift tent in a Syrian refugee camp, doing whatever she can to raise her little boy. Your gifts of essentials like food, water, medical aid, hygiene kits, and clothing help keep refugees like her alive and remind them that they are not alone.


In this village, families were praying for someone to help them. As they began to starve, they begged God to provide them with food. Then, a shipping container full of nutrient-dense meal packs and rice arrivedprovided by generous donors. Those lifesaving supplies brought smiles and a sense of hope to people who were running out of time.

These photos show just a few of the ways your gifts have impacted the lives of men, women, and children around the world. Whether you have provided clean water, emergency food, Bibles, or other essential needs, you have helped transform lives and communities — and created new, brighter futures.

Today, you have the opportunity to increase your impact and help rescue another life for as little as $8. Click the button below to learn more, give now, and help save someone in need all while demonstrating the love of Jesus.


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