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World Refugee Day: Remember Syria

Blog Team
Jun 20, 2013


They are ordinary people who have become wanderers in an instant . . . fleeing from conflict, war, famine, disaster, or persecution that has overtaken their homelands.

Six million of the world’s population of displaced people are from Syria alone—running for their lives from the bloody conflict that has stolen their livelihoods, their homes, their loved ones, their dignity . . . and their hope.

Every day, the crisis continues to grow more desperate. More than 93,000 have been slaughtered in cold blood over the past two years of conflict. As many as 6,500 are innocent children who have been tortured, maimed . . . even used as human shields in the fighting.

Zaatari refugee camp

As waves of Syrians pour across the borders to escape the terror, fear continues to grow. Food and water shortages are causing riots within refugee camps, leaving the defenseless without any chance for survival.

Today, we have the opportunity to respond to this growing humanitarian emergency.

To commemorate World Refugee Day, we want to ask you to help us remember those in Syria who are struggling to survive with one simple action: Give a gift that has the potential to save innocent lives . . . and offer hope to some of the most desperate people on earth.

Watch “Restoring Hope to Syrian Refugees” on Vimeo.

Although many NGO’s have already left Syria, World Help stands committed to providing life-saving supplies to thousands of refugee families.

Our strategic distribution network is working around the clock to identify the most vulnerable refugees—widowed mothers, starving children, the elderly, and the sick—to provide them with basic necessities for survival.

Your gift of any amount can drastically affect the life of a family who has lost everything, enabling our teams to meet crucial needs with food, medicine, hygiene kits, blankets, and much more.

Syrian orphan

Just $20 will provide food and medicine for a refugee child for one month. A gift of $120 will provide food and medicine for 6 refugee children for one month!

Together, we can do more than just watch . . . we can help save the lives of thousands in need.

Help Syrian Refugees


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