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Coronavirus5 min read


Worst case: ‘Another generation of children who are orphaned’

Sam Campbell
Apr 26, 2020

“COVID-19 poses an especially large risk for the vulnerable children whose mothers, fathers, or guardians already have weakened immune systems,” one of our partners in Africa said. “If it impacts our nation, there will likely be another generation of children who are orphaned in the aftermath.”

By giving to the coronavirus emergency fund today, YOU can play a part in providing critical medical care, emergency food, and other aid that will help save lives and keep families together.  

And thanks to a matching gift from World Help Board members, your donation will DOUBLE. Normally, every $8 is enough to help rescue one person … but now every $8 you give will help two people in need!

There will likely be another generation of children who are orphaned …

Those words sent a chill down my spine the first time I read them.

One of the major warnings the CDC has been sharing over the past few weeks is that the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to the coronavirus. That’s because their bodies have a harder time fighting off infections.

And nowhere has more people with weakened immune systems than developing countries. They often have a higher percentage of people with HIV, tuberculosis, and other pre-existing diseases.

These health concerns make them prime targets for the coronavirus.

To make matters worse, most countries don’t enough hospital beds or equipment to respond should a major outbreak occur there. For example, Haiti — a country of more than 11 million people — has access to only a little over 60 ventilators.

So far, most countries have been able to avoid their “worst case scenario” situation by enforcing strict lockdowns. Many of their social distancing regulations are stricter than our own here in the U.S.

But, of course, that has created another series of problems.

The most immediate need is hunger.

As we’ve seen in our own country, the coronavirus has also left countless people unemployed. Our partners in Zimbabwe estimate that at least 80 percent of the workers there are out of a job right now. And that means families are going hungry.

But you have a chance to change the outcome. You have a chance to help save these families.

When you give, you’ll provide nutritious food to build up their strength. You’ll provide hygiene kits to keep their bodies clean and free from infection. Your doubled gift will also supply them with medical care, clean water, and so much more.

Grocery store shelves in Zambia are bare as people rush to stockpile essentials. And price gouging has become a major issue. Our partner reported that the price of hand sanitizer has almost tripled since the start of the pandemic!

Of course, people living in poverty can’t afford those prices. And it doesn’t look like the shelves are going to be fully restocked any time soon.

“The supply chain in [Zambia] is much more fragile than in the U.S., which could make access to daily consumables extremely challenging,” our partner said.

This is why your doubled gift is so important. Impoverished people around the world are not only facing poor health … they’re also starving.

If the coronavirus doesn’t kill them, malnutrition could.

These people are trapped in a deadly domino effect. With the country under lockdown, many parents are jobless. No income means no food. No food means poor nutrition. Poor nutrition means weak immune systems. Weak immune systems mean sickness …

We all know what comes next.

As the coronavirus spreads, people in developing countries are running out of time. Will you give what you can today to help them?

Every dollar you give will DOUBLE to provide 2X as much food, clean water, medical care, and other critical aid. Not only will you help families in crisis around the world, but you’ll also provide emergency food to out-of-work families here in the U.S. and hygiene kits to the most at-risk individuals.

Our partners are doing everything they can to provide for the poor and orphaned. But they desperately need help to ensure these people are cared for … and that the coronavirus doesn’t leave behind any more orphans.

“We need your prayers because, as a country, we do not have enough resources to handle the situation,” our Zambia partner said.

Please take time to pray today for this urgent need. And, if you can, please give before it’s too late.

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