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Disaster Relief3 min read


You helped rescue people like Claire in the Bahamas

Kelsey Campbell
Oct 21, 2019

What has your giving meant to Hurricane Dorian victims?

“It’s hope,” Claire, a displaced Bahamian, said. “It’s seeing the love of Christ being displayed to people.”

Claire and her family were living in Marsh Harbor when Dorian struck. When the eye of the storm passed over them, they ran for their lives.

“It was one of the scariest experiences in my life,” Claire said. “I will never forget the sounds I heard.”

Now her family is living on a different island in a town called Spanish Wells with thousands of other homeless hurricane victims. Spanish Wells was not hit hard like Marsh Harbor was, but now the island is bursting at the seams with those who have lost everything.

Right now, Claire, her husband, and their teenage daughter are living in a rental house. Claire has no job since the Christian school where she taught was destroyed.

There are few students left in Marsh Harbor anyway. The few homes that are left standing are unlivable, there’s no running water on the island, and no grocery stores are open … so 95 percent of the community has been evacuated.

Claire is hoping the school will be repaired enough by the start of the 2020-2021 school year that she can return to work. Until then, though, she has no way to provide for her family.

That’s where your giving has helped families like Claire’s. At a local church, Claire and other evacuees have been able to pick up donated essentials — items YOU helped send to the Bahamas.

“This has been amazing,” Claire said of the relief center. “We were able to get much-needed clothes, food supplies, water. It’s just been wonderful to know that’s been here for us.”

Since many distribution centers in the Bahamas are housed in churches, local congregations have also been able to share the love of Christ with those who are receiving aid.

Through your giving, you are shining the light of Jesus Christ and showing His love to the people of these islands. Thank you for helping families like Claire’s.

If you would like to help rescue another Hurricane Dorian victim today, there are still many urgent needs that you can meet.

Now that survivors are beginning the rebuilding process, the biggest needs for Bahamians are supplies like power tools, plywood, drywall, and other building materials.

Without these items, people across the Bahamas won’t be able to reconstruct their houses, businesses, and churches … and they won’t be able to return home.

Will you help send these and other critical items to another person left homeless by Hurricane Dorian? Thanks to a matching gift, every dollar you give will be DOUBLED!

Click the button below to give again, help rescue another person in need, and provide hope for the future to someone like Claire.


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