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Clean Water1 min read


Your bucket list + clean water = 1 life transformed

Melissa Schultz
Mar 13, 2017

Every day, Muskan picked up a large bucket and carried it for miles to the nearest source of water … a polluted reservoir.

When we think of buckets, most of us probably think about our “bucket list” — a running inventory of things we want to accomplish in our lifetime.

But for girls like Muskan, buckets take on an entirely different meaning.

Buckets keep them from attending school. Buckets are often filled with contaminated water. Buckets are heavy and leave children exhausted when the chore of gathering water is finished.

But for just $15, you can give one person access to clean water for one year! You’ll give buckets a whole new meaning for someone like Muskan.

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Around the world, women and children have to carry buckets daily just so their families can survive.

But here’s the good news: You can lift their burden.

This March, why not add “leave a lasting legacy” to your bucket list … and change a life forever by providing clean water?


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