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Your gift toward Volcancito Arriba will DOUBLE today!

Kelsey Campbell
Nov 04, 2017

“’Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills. Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.’” Isaiah 40: 3-5 (NLT)

The villagers of Volcancito Arriba, Guatemala, had been longing for a miracle. For three years they had prayed for some kind of help to arrive.

With a pastor living in a small shack, children drinking contaminated water, no focus on education … withering faces and dilapidated hopes … this village was expectantly waiting for an answer.

That’s when Volcancito Arriba was adopted by the Ascent Project, a Christian band from Colorado. This group of young musicians is passionate about bringing the light of Jesus to people who are living in physical and spiritual poverty.

Through a Village Transformation campaign, Ascent wants to do more for the community than provide a new water system, church building, school, playground, and home for the local pastor. They want all 450 citizens to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

After meeting a child named Brian, one band member — Jonathan McGinley — noted the amazing way God has woven the band’s story together with people in this small village: “God cares for every single person. He sent us there for kids like Brian and all the kids in that community. We get to play a small part in individuals’ lives in Guatemala, thousands of miles away from us, on top of a mountain. And God sees Brian and God sent us in order to be able to tell his story and speak up for him.”

Ascent wants to transform this village, but most importantly, they want to see transformed lives.

And as a means to bring the Gospel, Ascent wants to radically improve the infrastructure of the village. Through these projects, the people of Volcancito Arriba will be able to have access to clean water as well as the Living Water.

Ascent believes God’s people will come through and give with generous hearts. They’re hoping to raise $100,700 by Dec. 1. But they cannot accomplish this alone!

That’s where you come in!

Because of a generous donor, there is a $25,000 matching gift available. So right now your gifts will be matched! Think of the impact if every dollar you donate doubles!

Through this Village Transformation, God is answering the prayers of impoverished Guatemalans. With a new water system, school, church, and a home for the pastor, Volcancito Arriba’s citizens will receive the opportunity to break the chains of poverty.

Thank you for engaging with Ascent’s vision for this beautiful country. Will you help give the people of Volcancito Arriba a new future today?


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