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Reports4 min read


Your impact in 2020: Child sponsorship

Blog Team
Jan 03, 2021

Food has always been one of the biggest needs for children living in poverty — and that need only grew worse when the coronavirus pandemic began spreading in 2020.

During lockdown, children no longer had access to the meals they used to receive at school every day. Out-of-work parents found it even harder to put food on the table … much less afford essentials like clothing and medicine.

Thankfully, your sponsorship gifts helped children around the world survive 2020.

You helped make sure your sponsored children didn’t go hungry. Plus, you provided help such as remote learning opportunities, emergency medical care, and masks and hygiene items to keep them safe.

Here’s a look at how you impacted children in need last year:

You helped children survive the pandemic

Children living in poverty have always needed help. But in 2020, your sponsorship was more vital than ever.

Closed borders and increased lockdowns quickly led to worldwide food shortages. Crops died. Groceries on shelves became scarce. And children were at a greater risk of starving to death.

But that’s when sponsors stepped in.

After Thailand schools closed in March, sponsorship staff quickly set up a distribution station where sponsored children could come grab a boxed lunch every day. Not only did they provide the kids with food, but they also handed out cloth face masks and textbooks to help the children keep up with their education.

During April and May alone, the staff distributed 6,218 boxed lunches!

Your faithful support helped make sure children and their families didn’t go to bed hungry, and you also allowed many kids to continue their education from home.

Although they weren’t able to write as often during 2020 because of mail delays, the sponsored kids around the globe want you to know that they are so thankful for you.

“Thank you to my sponsors [who] gave me school uniforms, shoes, education supplies, food, and masks to protect myself from the virus,” 13-year-old Patcharapol said.

And young P-Lek agrees: “I am so happy and thankful. Because of your donation, I have food to eat. Thank you so much!”

You rescued girls and boys from the sex industry

Over the past year, the World Help family also came together to sponsor boys and girls specifically affected by the sex industry.

Thanks to support from their sponsors, girls who were once told they must sell their bodies to survive are now getting an education and chasing their dreams. And boys who were previously surrounded by a culture that taught them women were objects to be abused are learning that all people are worthy of respect and love.

Mia’s story is a powerful testimony of what can happen when a child is rescued from the sex industry.

Mia’s father died when she was 8 years old, leaving her family in a dire financial situation. She also had two brothers who would need dowries in order to get married. So, Mia knew what was expected — she would have to enter the “community business.”

But then Mia received a sponsor! She was able to live in a safe home and get a good education. Once she graduated, she was even able to pursue her goal of attending nursing school. Today, Mia works in a hospital saving lives.

Thank you for being a rescuer for children like Mia, Patcharapol, and P-Lek!

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