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Advocacy2 min read


You're Invited to Blog for World Help

Blog Team
Aug 15, 2013

World Help is thrilled to announce an initiative we’ve been dreaming about for a long time. We’re pretty passionate about sharing stories and perspectives from around the world. And we know a lot of you are too . . .

More than any other time, our voices have the potential to reach further than ever through the power of social sharing, particularly blogging. It lets us share what we’re passionate about on our own spaces while also making room for discussion with others. The power of connection through blogging is undeniable. 

Church planting


A lot of people want to do good in this world, but don’t know how. As a World Help blogger, you put resources and opportunities into the hands of people looking for a way to get involved.

We see bloggers as ambassadors, networkers, think tanks, explorers, and educators.

We all have different dreams . . . different motivators . . . different perspectives. But no matter how different we are, we can all use our passions to help change the world.

Child sponsorship

And while World Help believes that one voice is powerful, we also know a whole choir of voices brings together an entirely new dimension of harmony . . . possibility . . . creation. By putting our passions and resources together, we create a stronger voice.

You don’t need money or power to make a difference. Some of the most inspiring changes in our history have been written by individuals who stood up and used their voices.

And the way we see it, the stronger the voice . . . the better the influence . . . the more people involved . . . the greater impact we can make.

Our voices can change the world.

Operation Baby Rescue


If you’re a blogger with the passion to make a difference in this world, we’d love to partner with you. If you know of anyone who might be interested, spread the word! The louder the voice . . .  the bigger the echo.


After filling out a basic application, we’ll send you more information about the blogging program. This information includes guidelines and monthly resources and images for your blog and social networks.

Here’s what we’re passionate about: justice, health, education, spiritual well-being, and crisis relief. What are you passionate about? What change do you want to see in the world? Let’s combine our visions and make a difference.



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