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Featured Stories1 min read


You’ve heard their stories. How will you respond?

Vernon Brewer
Dec 04, 2017

In the news, there are countless stories of refugees all over our world who have fled for their lives and now are struggling to survive. As you read, watch, and think about their stories, I hope you’ll be praying for the many people suffering far from home. And I hope you’ll be praying about how you can make a difference.

Right now there are refugees all over the world who are facing malnutrition, limited medical attention, and bitter winter weather.

But $35 is all it takes to send $189 worth of lifesaving supplies to a refugee.

And for a limited time, your gift to help a refugee will be matched 100 percent — doubling your impact!

Not only will you be sending immediate physical help, but you’ll also be giving a Bible that will provide true comfort in these desperate times.

Will you consider making an eternal impact for a refugee today?

<center> Help a refugee

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