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2015: A Year of Opportunity

Blog Team
Jan 01, 2015

Happy New Year!

We just want to take a moment to say what we can never say enough: Thank you!

Thank you for standing with us, praying for us, advocating with us, and investing your hard-earned dollars to impact those in need.

Child sponsorship in Myanmar - World Help

Thank you for making 2014 a year that changed millions of lives around the world.

We are overjoyed by your partnership, and even more excited for the potential the coming year offers us to make a difference.

As God continues to move, we plan to follow. And where God opens doors to serve, we will serve . . . to the ends of the earth.

Child sponsorship in Uganda - World Help

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Iraq and Syria will continue to be one of our main areas of concern in the months ahead. Having just launched Iraq’s first-ever mobile medical clinics, we anticipate the need for even greater intervention . . . millions of lives are on the line.

We will also forge ahead with our newer initiatives that have already helped transform the lives of hurting women. In Ethiopia, we will continue reach out to women who have suffered life-altering birthing injuries, connecting them to programs designed to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

African development programs - World Help

And in the red-light district of Bangkok, we will strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus to victims of sexual exploitation.

2015 will be a year characterized by transformation . . . and hope.

It will be a year that . . .

  • God’s Word will be placed in the hands of thousands
  • churches will be planted in persecuted and unreached areas
  • hundreds of malnourished children will be rescued
  • dozens of impoverished communities gain access to clean water for the first time.

We believe with full hearts that 2015 will be a year that will change the world with the extraordinary love of Jesus Christ.

Will you commit today to joining us on this year’s journey?

Child development programs - World Help

Will you decide to pray with us for God to move?  Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us in giving?

Together, we believe God can use us to do more than we could imagine for His Glory.

We hope you’ll say “Yes” to the invitation—your invitation—to do something that will outlive you and last for eternity this year.


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