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Child Sponsorship2 min read


3 Reasons Why Writing to Your Sponsored Child is Important

Amanda Mattingly
Sep 24, 2015

We have heard from so many sponsors how their initial decision to sponsor a child has turned into so much more than a $35 per month donation. Sponsorship is truly a life-altering decision, and correspondence plays a huge role in building a relationship with your sponsored child.

Sponsor a child in Haiti

Have you ever wondered what your letters, photos, and gifts mean to the child you sponsor? Or if you haven’t yet started corresponding with your sponsored child, are you asking yourself what impact it could possibly have? We want to share with you three reasons why writing letters to your sponsored child is truly an important part of your sponsorship journey.

  1. Correspondence allows you to learn more about your sponsored child.

Each sponsor receives detailed information about their sponsored child upon signing up for their sponsorship commitment. However, by writing letters to your child, you have the opportunity to learn more about their personalities and their likes and dislikes . . . and you can also share about the things you like and are passionate about. Correspondence empowers sponsors to interact with their sponsored child in a more personal way.

World Help's India Child Sponsorship Program

  1. Writing letters enables sponsors to encourage their sponsored children.

“Every time I receive a letter from you, it gives me a greater joy and courage to keep on working extra hard because I really don’t want to let you guys down,” said Martin, a sponsored child in Uganda.

World Help Education in Haiti

This quote from Martin shows how much sponsors’ letters impact our sponsored children. Your love and support encourages them in their lives, and these boys and girls take pride in working hard so they can share their accomplishments with you. We urge our sponsors to continue to write their sponsored children, build a relationship with them, and pray for their well-being and development.

  1. Correspondence builds personal investment.

Correspondence is what allows you to build a relationship and take sponsorship beyond a $35 a month commitment. Sponsorship is something we want our sponsors to be fully invested in. We hope you take the opportunity to get to know your sponsored child personally through correspondence and allow it to serve as a reminder to pray for them in their daily lives. When you receive an envelope in the mail with a stamp that reads, “A Letter From Your Sponsored Child,” we hope it brings excitement and joy as you see how your investment is making a huge difference in the life of this precious child.

Nepal child sponsorship

“Sometimes I wish that you could open my heart and see how grateful and thankful I am for your support, love, and care. For that reason I never forget to pray to God to always keep you safe and bless you abundantly for the big heart you have,” Martin said.

Martin’s words are a tremendous testament to the impact sponsors can have through correspondence. We hope this encourages you in your sponsorship journey, and if you’ve never written a letter to your sponsored child, we invite you to consider writing a letter today.


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