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Child Sponsorship5 min read


4 things your sponsored child wants you to write about

Sam Campbell
Jul 15, 2022

Knowing what to write to your sponsored child can seem like a challenge, especially when you’ve never met them and they live thousands of miles away.

But do you want to know a secret?

Your sponsored child doesn’t really care that much about what you write … just that you do write and let them know that you’re thinking about them.

So don’t let writer’s block stop you. Getting to know your sponsored child is well worth the effort, and once you write those first couple of letters, they’ll start to write themselves.

This child can’t contain his joy after receiving a letter from his sponsor

Here are a few topic ideas to get you started:

1) Your favorite food

Food is such a big part of every culture. In the U.S., cheeseburgers, corndogs, and apple pie are considered American staples. But what about places like Nepal, Guatemala, India, or the Philippines?

The cuisine your sponsored child enjoys probably looks and tastes much different than your own, which makes it the perfect topic of discussion. Share about your favorite food, and be sure to describe it as best you can. Then, ask your sponsored child about their favorite meal.

It may seem simple … and that’s because it is! Writing to your sponsored child should be fun and easy. No matter what you say, they’ll love hearing from you.

2) Your pets

Most kids love animals, and your sponsored child is no different. But since they can’t give your furry friend a big hug in person, the next best thing you can do is describe your pet. Talk about the type of animal you own, their name, their favorite activities and toys, and any fun snacks they enjoy.

And you know what would make your letter even more special? Include a photo of your pet so your sponsored child can have the perfect visual!

What better way to connect with your sponsor child than to wish them a happy birthday?

3) Your hobbies

If you sponsor a child, there’s a good chance they love kicking the soccer ball around. Soccer — better known as football outside of the U.S. — is one of the most popular sports in the world.

My family hosted a couple of sponsored children several years ago, and they were both obsessed with the sport.

But what about you? Your sponsored child may enjoy soccer or some other game, but they also want to know what you like! Whether you enjoy sports, crafting, reading, or baking sweets, every detail you share with your sponsored child will help them get to know you better.

4) Your favorite Bibles verses

Lastly, one of the most important things you can share with your sponsored child is what God has been teaching you lately as you read your Bible.

No matter what country your child lives in, they are surrounded by loving staff who care for them, pray over them, and share the love of Christ with them. Some programs even provide weekly Bible lessons for the boys and girls so they can learn more about God’s Word.

So unless your child lives in a country that is closed to the Gospel, take the opportunity to explain what you’re learning in the Scriptures too! By sharing a verse from your own Bible study, you’ll help encourage your sponsored child as well.

A heartfelt letter will make your sponsor child’s day

Once you’ve finished your letter, simply mail it to this address:

[Sponsored Child’s name and ID #]
c/o World Help Child Sponsorship Program
P.O. Box 501
Forest, VA 24551

Hopefully these topics have inspired you to pick up the pen and write to your sponsored child, even if it’s just a few sentences. Your letter doesn’t have to be long or super detailed — it just needs to come from you.

If writing letters isn’t your style, you can also send an email! Your sponsored child will love hearing from you, no matter how the message gets there.

Want even more ideas? Here are some additional topics to choose from.

Just remember, your sponsored child will cherish any communication they receive. Your note will surprise them and be a wonderful reminder of just how much you care.

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