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5 steps to help your child get better at sharing

Kelsey Campbell
Jan 26, 2019

My 2-year-old nephew, Emerson, isn’t the best at sharing his toys. But when his new, little sister comes on the scene, he’s going to have to learn really fast.

Teaching our children to be selfless and loving toward other kids can be challenging, but it’s an important lesson we all have to learn as we grow up.

Maybe for your older kids, the hardest thing for them to sacrifice isn’t toys, but their money.

But teaching your kids early on to give to those in need is important and will instill generosity long into adulthood.

You may be thinking, “Well, my child only gets a few dollars a week in allowance money or in birthday cards from grandparents. That can’t make a difference in the world.”

But actually, it can!

It takes just 99 cents to cure one child who is suffering from dangerous intestinal worms.

Right now, children the same age as yours are struggling to survive because they have worms growing and multiplying in their bellies. These parasites are often caused by drinking dirty water or lacking proper hygiene, making kids living in poor villages an especially easy target.

The intestinal worms eat away at the nutrients in a child’s body until they slowly starve the child to death.

But your kids can provide the cure!

You can even take this on as a family project so your children can see your example of unselfish giving.

If your family gives just $30, you can cure 30 children! And because each child who receives treatment also receives a Gospel booklet for his family, you’ll be helping to spread God’s Word around the world, too.

Still on the fence?

Here are some steps for how to get your children involved and teach them more about sharing and charitable giving at an early age:

1. Explain the need

Talk about how blessed your child is. He’s healthy, has nutritious food to eat and clean water to drink, and is able to see a doctor when he’s ill.

But there are children on the other side of the world who don’t have those things. And because of that, they get really, really sick.

And, unfortunately, their parents can’t afford medicine.

2. Explain how your child can help

All it takes to make a child well again is deworming medication that costs 99 cents.

And if your child earns $5 a week for his allowance or receives $20 in birthday money, giving $1 is only a fraction of what he receives. Teach your children that sharing in this way can help save a life!

Also, every child who gets medicine will also learn about Jesus! A Gospel booklet is given to the family of each kid who receives this medication. So, your child’s dollar actually helps in two ways.

  1. 3. Set a goal together

This is a perfect opportunity to teach your children about tithing.

Whether they want to give 10 percent of their earnings … or a little bit more … write down a total amount per week they want to contribute. Then add up how much their goal will be for the end of the month.

Once they know how small numbers can grow, they may be inspired to be even more generous.

4. Encourage their giving

Put the money in a jar or place where they can see it and be reminded of the cause. And every time they put in their dollar, remind them by saying, “That’s one more child you helped save.”

And don’t be afraid to get involved and help their project along. If you add in your spare change, make sure they see you. Encourage them by saying something like, “I’m so inspired by your generosity, I want to help, too!”

You’ll never see a bigger smile.

  1. 5. Get them involved when you send in your donation

At the end of the month, open the jar or bust open the piggy bank and count up how much you’ve raised together. Again, remind your children that every dollar accounted for is a child they helped cure.

Then let them be part of your giving by watching you give online or helping seal the envelope when you mail in your check.

But the giving challenge doesn’t have to stop there. Urge your children to keep giving … and to keep going by raising their goal higher and higher.

I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how creative they become with different ways to raise money. Maybe they’ll host a bake sale … make a lemonade stand … or ask if they can help neighbors and family members with chores to earn a few extra dollars.

No kid is too young to start making a difference and showing the love of Christ to people around the world. And by giving deworming medication, your kids can help save the lives of children just like them!


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