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Child Sponsorship6 min read


6 ways sponsorship gives kids the tools to succeed

Sam Campbell
Sep 12, 2020

“I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams.” — David Vitter, former U.S. senator

When a sponsor chooses to support a child each month, he or she is giving that child the tools to succeed. Each dollar — and each prayer — is an investment in that child’s life. From providing nutritious meals to giving educational opportunities, sponsorship helps children around the world escape poverty and introduces them to a bright future.

It’s hard to describe the enormous impact sponsorship has on a child’s life. But as you look at the images below, hopefully the smiles looking back at you will help you understand.

1. Sponsorship provides nutritious food

Hunger is one of the biggest challenges children living in poverty face. Many of their parents earn only a couple dollars each day, so there’s rarely enough food. Certainly not enough for three square meals. Drained of nutrients, their fragile bodies become malnourished. But thanks to generous sponsors, kids in our sponsorship programs are receiving nutritious food every day! They go to school with full bellies, so they can finally focus on their studies … instead of their growling stomachs.

2. Sponsorship provides clean water and medical care

In many remote villages, families often walk for hours just to collect buckets of dirty river water full of bacteria. And hospitals are even farther away. But through sponsorship, children receive clean drinking water, so they’re freed from the dangers of waterborne diseases. They also have access to medical care. That means they can visit the doctor and get medicines when they need them most!

3. Sponsorship provides educational opportunities

Sponsorship gives these children something many of their parents never had: educational opportunities. Whether they attend a Christian school or receive academic tutoring at a community center, they get the resources they need to carve out a better future for themselves. And in developing countries, this is a huge blessing! They don’t have to do difficult manual labor for almost no pay. Through sponsorship, these children have the chance to learn, graduate, and find a career they can truly be proud of. One that supports their family comfortably.

4. Sponsorship encourages children

One of the great joys of sponsorship is the relationship you form with your sponsored child. In addition to meeting their physical needs, sponsors have the opportunity to write to their children. And the kids love it! They always rip open the envelopes, eager to read what their sponsors wrote. Many of them even hang the letters nearby so they can see them every day. These letters are a constant encouragement, reminding sponsored children that their sponsors are thinking about and praying for them. And sometimes they write back, too!

5. Sponsorship makes the holidays special

Children living in poverty often don’t get to celebrate Christmas, birthdays, and other holidays like we do. Their parents simply can’t afford it. But sponsorship changes all of that. Many sponsors send their children special birthday and Christmas cards or little treats … and the smiles it puts on their faces are priceless. It’s nothing extravagant, but sponsored children are always so thankful for whatever they receive. That extra act of kindness makes them feel special and loved.

6. Sponsorship shows God’s love

Finally, each sponsor has the incredible privilege of demonstrating God’s love to his or her sponsored child. Every meal, every dose of medicine, every hour spent in learning is a gift. And a reminder to sponsored children that Jesus is taking care of them … and has a beautiful plan for their future.

Unfortunately, many children around the world are still without a sponsor … and the pandemic this year has made their needs even greater. But the pandemic has also made the number of new child sponsorships drop 94 percent.

Kids who are waiting for a sponsor are still going to bed hungry. They’re still suffering from diseases that can easily be treated with medicine.

Will you cover three months of critical sponsorship for one of these children? When you do, we’ll text you a photo of the child you are helping rescue!

You’ve seen the impact sponsorship can have. Will you make a difference in another child’s life today?

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