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Child Sponsorship3 min read


Three Responses to Sponsor Letters

Amanda Mattingly
Apr 22, 2015

For some of us, writing letters to our sponsored child, who we have never met, may seem like a daunting task . . . maybe it even feels uncomfortable or awkward. Sometimes it’s hard just to sit down and write a simple note when we don’t know what to expect or what kind of impact it will have on them.

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I have been a sponsor now for three years. I can truly say that sometimes it’s hard to write letters when life gets busy and my days seem to get shorter and shorter. Sometimes, if I’ve fallen behind on my correspondence, it seems even more difficult to pick up my pen to write to my sponsored children. But ultimately, I remember the precious letters I’ve received in return and know that writing letters of love and encouragement to my sponsored child are one of the most important things I can do as a sponsor. It’s what allows me to build a relationship with them and remind them that I’m praying for them and love them.

Thailand child sponsorship

One of my sponsored children, Jenny-Love, is only 6 years old, so I don’t expect a lengthy letter in return, but I know she will receive it and hear what I’ve written to her. When I receive a drawing or a short note from her, it is such an incredible reminder of the power of God’s love and how He uses sponsors to impact children around the world, and in the same way, He uses those very children to change our lives.

Here are three responses we’ve received from our sponsored children. I hope they are an encouragement to you and help you understand the impact your correspondence and support has on your sponsored child’s life.

“I keep praying and requesting God to keep my dear sponsor happy and alive. Putting aside the gifts you have sent me, I thank God that He gave me the greatest gift of all; a sponsor like you, who is not only my sponsor, but my best friend. Your name is written in my Bible so every time I open it or go to church, I do not forget to pray for you and bless you.” — Peace, sponsored child from Uganda

Sponsor a child in Uganda - World Help

“I am praying for you and I will be doing so forever. I am very happy to get a sponsorship from you. I am very happy to be studying at a better school than before. Sponsorship has given me an opportunity to study in a more effective way than before. Thank you very much for supporting me.” — Sradha, sponsored child from Nepal

“For sure, you have done a good work in my life. When I was young, I used to not go to school. One day, I asked my dad to take me to school, but he didn’t have the money. From there, I heard that they were sponsoring children at Good Samaritan, and I told my dad. From there, I got you, my dear friends. I always pray for you and am working hard for a better future.” — Gertrude, sponsored child from Uganda

Your sponsored children are so grateful for your involvement in their lives. They pray for you frequently and enjoy hearing from you. There’s no better way to build a strong bond with your sponsored child than through correspondence.

India child sponsorship

If you’ve never written a letter to your sponsored child, I would encourage you to make today the day you begin. And if you’ve been writing to your sponsored child, I would encourage you to keep writing . . . keep sharing . . . keep showing your love for them through your letters. You may never see the life-changing impact they have, but you can know with confidence that they are making an incredible difference!



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