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Where Needed Most4 min read


Pandemic update from Africa + a BIG announcement

Blog Team
Jul 06, 2021

To many of us here in the U.S., it may feel like the pandemic is almost over.

Stores, restaurants, and churches are opening back up to full capacity. Fewer people are wearing masks as more people are vaccinated. And many families are feeling safe enough this summer to take those vacations they put off last year.

But the fact of the matter is the pandemic is nowhere close to over in many developing countries around the world. In fact, more people have died because of COVID-19 in the first half of 2021 than in all of 2020.

Why? Because these people don’t have access to medical care or even basic necessities like food, hygiene kits, clean water, and other help and hope. The good news is you can help. And now through July 31, your donation will DOUBLE up to $75,000, thanks to a matching gift!

Watch this video from Africa to see why coronavirus relief and other emergency aid is so urgently needed

Normally, every $14 you give helps provide one person with essentials like food, hygiene kits, medical care, and other physical help and spiritual hope. But now that your donation DOUBLES, your $14 will help TWO people in Africa and other places where the needs are greatest.

And if you are able to give a larger gift, your impact will multiply even more!

You can help someone like Jamira who is struggling to survive.

Jamira is a single mom of three kids. Since her country of Uganda recently went back under lockdown, she’s out of work and can’t afford food for her family. Click here to read more of her story.

And Uganda isn’t the only nation going back under lockdown. Countries like India and Nepal have seen a spike in COVID-19 cases lately as well as new variants of the virus, and certain areas have been shut down.

Parents can’t work or easily buy groceries, and children have to stay home instead of going to school where they often receive a free meal.

In almost every country still struggling with the pandemic, food is the number one need.

Your gift today will help provide emergency food and other essentials like medical care, hygiene kits, clean water, Bibles, and more. And because of the matching gift, your donation by July 31 will help 2X as many people!

Please give your best gift today so none of these matching funds are left unused and so as many people as possible can receive the lifesaving help they are waiting for. Your generosity will help meet someone’s most urgent needs and will be a powerful example of Christ-like love.

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