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Children of the World1 min read


Children of the World: A Season of Celebration

Mar 16, 2016

The first signs of spring are popping up all along the East Coast—almost overnight, daffodils and tulips have emerged to remind us of the promise of new life. And in much the same way, our 2015-16 Children of the World International Children’s Choir is seeing transformation springing up all around them.

It’s been an exciting few months for the choir, packed with everything they love—travel, exploration, worship, and new friends. From the breathtaking magic of Disney World to the glistening beaches of Hilton Head, the children have certainly had their fill of awe and wonder this spring!


Giddy with excitement to meet Tinker Bell in Disney World.

The choir continues to make incredible memories with churches and host homes all across the nation. And with every church family they have been welcomed into, the children have come to see a clearer picture of God’s love. In just the last few months, seven of the children have chosen to begin a personal walk with Christ!

It’s certainly a season of celebration for the team, not only for the transformation taking place in the lives of these children, but also for the lives being impacted around the world. Since August, the team has seen 934 children receive sponsors through their advocacy—934 children with hope for a better future . . . and the tour isn’t over yet.

Thank you for choosing to reflect the love of Jesus through your continued prayer and support of these children—their lives will truly never be the same because of you!

Here are a few photos from the team’s recent adventures around the country!

Getting creative at Amazeum in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Getting creative at Amazeum in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Hilton Head

Handstands, cartwheels, and seashell hunting at Hilton Head beach.


Exploring the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas.

For more updates, follow us on Facebook and Twitter! 

Interested in having Children of the World at your home church?
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