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World Help Gifts Project Update

Thank you for choosing to invest in lives through World Help Gifts. Your gift is already at work meeting needs, and through this practical expression of love, you are reflecting the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

Published: June 13, 2016

Additional Reading

Project Update

Peru, India, Uganda Peru, India, Uganda

Thank you for choosing to invest in lives through World Help Gifts. Your gift is already at work meeting needs, and through this practical expression of love, you are reflecting the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

Here’s what sets you apart: You have the ability to see beyond the enormous problems of the world . . . into the very heart of someone in need.

Without you, changing lives would be impossible—thank you!

The following stories are examples of how your gift is changing the future for one person:


In June 2015, Innocent enrolled at the Good Samaritan Vocational Center in Gulu, Uganda, knowing nothing about welding or fabrication. He worked extremely hard to learn his new craft, and in December 2015, he graduated from the program. Innocent and his fellow classmates were given a welding machine and immediately opened up a workshop in Gulu.

With his earnings, Innocent started a goat farm back in his home village. He began with two goats, and his goal is to eventually develop a large farm to help provide for his family as well as benefit the local community.

Innocent is so thankful that the Lord led him to Good Samaritan Vocational Center. He prays that God will continue to bless the program and that many other students will also benefit from learning new skills, enabling them to lead productive lives and secure brighter futures.

 Vocational 1


Planting New Seeds—India

The Gilgal Children’s Home and several farmers in Gilgal, India, are directly benefitting from vegetable seeds provided through the gifts catalog.

Each harvest not only provides food for a farmer’s family, but also gives additional income when vegetables are sold at local markets. It’s wonderful that something simple—like seeds—can bring such joy to these farmers and their families.

The children at Gilgal Children’s Home in India have also benefitted from the seeds. They have enjoyed watching the vegetables grow and flourish, and many children now garden as their hobby. Since gardening is a primary means of livelihood in their community, learning how to garden at a young age is especially beneficial. Buying vegetables from the market can be very expensive, so not only does the vegetables they grow provide a source of essential vitamins and minerals the children need, they also provide sustainable solutions for the children’s home.


Mobility and Freedom—Peru

Imagine being restricted to a bed or dependent on others to carry you wherever you go. In countries like Peru, mobility is being restored to bedridden individuals through the gift of wheelchairs.

Six-year-old Jhoan was born with malformed feet and has never been able to walk. Before he received a wheelchair, his family had difficulty physically carrying him when they traveled, and he was unable to attend school. Today, with the aid of his wheelchair, Jhoan has mobility and hope for an independent future.

Jhoan Javier_cropped

Sebastiana is 85 years old and unable to walk due to severe osteoporosis. The last few years, she has been largely confined to her daughter’s home, as transporting her has become very difficult . . . a truly devastating situation for her and her family. But when Sebastiana received her wheelchair, she experienced freedom for the first time in years.


When you invest in meeting one person’s practical, immediate need, you are making a life-changing difference.

Whether it was through a mosquito net, an immunization, livestock, school supplies, or a wheelchair, you made the choice to impact one person . . . you became a “life-changer.”

Thank you!

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Additional Reading
    • Blankets Provide Tangible Hope
    • In Nepal, this winter is more than a nuisance. It is life and death for thousands of families, and especially for the most vulnerable members of society—the young and the elderly. Almost one year ago, devastating earthquakes ripped through this country, wreaking unspeakable devastation and leaving more than 8,000 dead.

    • When Love Translates Into Hope: A Family’s Investment
    • Meredith, who was nine years old at the time, returned home with a burden for Karla and her family. Determined to help, she began fundraising to raise enough money to build a home for the friend she made in Guatemala.

    • Medical Clinic Brings Transformation in Bobi, Uganda
    • Thousands of people live every day of their lives without access to even the most basic medical care. Most simply cannot afford it, while others live too far away from any available medical facilities.

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