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Child Sponsorship2 min read


From the Field | Words That Breathe Life

Vernon Brewer
Jul 21, 2016

“Regalo . . . Gratis . . . Suyo.”

I will never forget those three words—they marked the beginning of God’s path for my life. Handing out New Testaments in Mexico as a timid 17-year-old, I had no idea that those words, spoken in broken Spanish, would change my life forever.

I think we all have certain words engraved on our hearts . . . words of Scripture, encouragement, or trust . . . words so deeply impactful, we will never forget them.

You’re probably wondering what this story has to do with my trip in Haiti.

This morning, I had the privilege of handing out letters from sponsors to children here at Danita’s Children. The looks of joy and excitement on their faces are difficult to describe.

That’s because they know that inside, they will find words of life . . . words of encouragement . . . words of love, belief, and hope.

From the Field: Haiti | Words that Breathe Life from World Help.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that your words not only help your child feel valued and important, but they can also help them heal after tragedy.

That was the case with Dauphley, a young man I met this week.

His father was a school teacher but was tragically murdered and robbed on his way home from school. Dauphley’s mother, terrified of raising her son alone, abandoned him at Danita’s Children.

It took Dauphley a long time to heal from trauma of losing both parents, but everything began to change once he received a sponsor.

Karris Hudson, one of our partners, told me, “Sponsorship literally gave him a life.”

After talking to him, I had the privilege of hand delivering a card from his sponsor. His face immediately lit up as he opened a card filled with stickers and encouragement. Today, Dauphley is thriving in school and growing steadily under the loving care of Danita’s Children . . . all thanks to his sponsor.

Each year, we host several opportunities for sponsors to travel with us to meet their sponsored children. My friend Jay and his son Jonathan were able to join me on this trip and met their boys, giving them special gifts.

World Help_Meeting Sponsored Children 2

Who would have thought when handing out New Testaments over 50 years ago, those three Spanish words for “Free gift for you” would end up meaning so much. But I soon realized God had a plan for my life when He softened my heart for His purpose with the simple act of handing someone the Word of God.

Many children in our sponsorship programs—like Dauphley—have experienced tragic circumstances. Just think how God could use your words to show He has a greater, more powerful plan for their life than they ever imagined. 

You can make today the moment you choose to invest in a child’s life. Your investment will mean a child in need will receive basic necessities and your words through correspondence will instill hope and encouragement.  

You may even find that your life is completely changed. Will you take a step of faith and choose to sponsor a child today?


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