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Otto Warmbier’s death highlights brutality in North Korea

Blog Team
Jun 21, 2017

After 17 months of imprisonment and brutal treatment, American college student Otto Warmbier was returned home from North Korea this past week. Tragically, just days after his return, he died from injuries he sustained while imprisoned.

As we mourn this heartbreaking loss, we ask that you join us in prayer for Warmbier’s family.

This young man’s horrific experiences are a reminder that every day in North Korea, men and women are beaten, tortured, and even killed — many of them Christians.

As many as 70,000 believers are estimated to be held in political labor camps for crimes such as owning a Bible or gathering for worship.

Vernon Brewer, president of World Help, was interviewed this week on EWTN’s evening news to discuss the ongoing brutality in North Korea and the persecution of believers. You can watch the interview here: 

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Yet, despite the danger, Christians in North Korea are begging for Bibles. They long to grow in their faith and learn more about the God who loves them and sustains them.

For just $10, you can be an answer to prayer. You can bring light into the darkness. Your gift will allow our partners to print and discreetly place a Bible in the hands of one Christian facing persecution.

Even though it’s terribly risky, North Korean believers desperately want to read God’s Word — please provide a Bible today!


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