Pattaya Freedom Center project report
Thank you for investing in the Freedom Center in Pattaya, Thailand. . . .
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Thank you for investing in the Freedom Center in Pattaya, Thailand. Your generosity is giving a brighter future to girls escaping the sex industry. You have given them the opportunity to realize their own worth and know they can have a career characterized by dignity instead of shame.
Girls living in rural poverty often have no idea that working in the city’s bars to earn money for their families eventually leads to selling their bodies as a means of income. And once they are part of the sex industry, it is almost impossible to escape. But your gifts have offered them a way out.
At the new Pattaya Freedom Center you helped build, girls can have a safe place to live, can earn an education, and can start a new life. Most importantly, they are able to learn about the love of Jesus Christ.
Your compassionate giving will continue to impact girls for years to come. Thank you for this life-changing gift.