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From the Field1 min read


First Impressions | Blogger Trip Day Two

Blog Team
Oct 03, 2012


lauren mills


by Lauren Mills

Yesterday morning I caught my first glimpse of Guatemala through a small airplane window. Even from a distance, I could make out a thousand brightly colored, makeshift homes, squished and crammed on the leveled tops of mountains. Before we’d even touched down, the tears came […]

michele-lyn ault


by Michele-Lyn Ault

[ … ] Lady and Alicia, now 9 and 10, were rescued when they were 4 and 5. They were reduced to thin skin and fragile bones. They lost their parents and were left to their grandmother. Though, she should have been their caregiver offering love and protection, she was not and did not.  She would leave the girls home alone, but not without tying up the girls […]

tiffany eriksen


by Tiffany Eriksen

[ … ] Ana… I just can’t get enough. Her mother, who has experienced the biggest, most altering stage in a woman’s life… is only 13. A slow churn starts in my chest. Aracely’s story is much too common in Guatemala, in Central America, in the world. She was turned into nothing more than a receptacle of a man’s rage and cruelty. A man she should have been able to trust […]


Blogging with World HelpWorld Help Bloggers

World Help and a group of bloggers/storytellers will be travelling to the beautiful but poverty-stricken country of Guatemala. They will see how lives are being impacted and communities transformed through the help of individuals committed to make a difference.

Their goal is to experience Operation Baby Rescue firsthand, as well as our other programs in Guatemala, in hopes that we can extend the story further and rescue more lives!

Learn More | Get Involved


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