In places like Haiti, Uganda, and Zambia, children are suffering extreme malnutrition and other life-threatening conditions. They die preventable deaths simply because there are no clinics nearby or their families can’t afford to take them to the doctor. But your gift can help rescue one sick child by providing essentials like immediate medical intervention, housing for orphans, educational classes for parents, and more.
Every $13 you give will help provide critical care to a malnourished child.
How will my gift help?
Your $13 will help provide essentials like immediate medical intervention, housing for the child if they have no parents, or educational classes for their mom and dad if they do have parents. These educational classes teach how to properly care for children, make sure they are getting the nutrition they need, and how to best prevent other illnesses.
Who will my gift help?
You will help rescue a child in a developing country like Uganda, Zambia, or Haiti. In these countries, impoverished families often can’t afford nutritious food or clean water. Parents are helpless as they watch their children grow sicker. But you can help save a child today.
How can I get involved?
Give today, and help save a life. Your $13 will help provide the essentials needed to help keep one sick, malnourished child alive!
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