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Child Sponsorship2 min read


7 topics you can write about to your sponsored child

April Stumme
May 09, 2018

Did you know that when you sponsored a child you got a pen pal, too?

Your sponsored child loves to receive letters from you and to hear about your life. Letters from you are an encouragement and a reminder that you care.

Any letters you write your sponsored child should be fun, encouraging, and loving. But after you’ve been writing for a while, you may feel that your letters are becoming repetitive. If that’s something you’ve struggled with, we can help!

Listed below are seven writing prompts to help you start writing a letter to your sponsored child. These prompts are meant to be a guide, so don’t be afraid to change them however you want.

1. What was life like for you as a child or what is life like for your children now? Sharing about your own childhood experiences will make you relatable to your sponsored child. You can talk about your favorite sports, foods, and activities, but remember to avoid topics like technology or things your sponsored child can’t afford.

2. What is your favorite food and why? Is it a recipe your family enjoys making together or something you always eat during the holidays? If it’s a food that’s uncommon where your sponsored child lives, describe it!

3. What is one activity that you love to do? This is a great opportunity to bond with your sponsored child — maybe he or she likes doing this activity, too! Many sponsored children enjoy reading, dancing, playing sports, attending church, and making crafts.

4. What have you been praying for recently? You’ve done so much to help your sponsored child. By asking for prayer on a particular subject, your sponsored child can feel like he is helping you, too. Just be careful to avoid heavy topics such as chronic illness or death.

5. What is the weather like where you live? This topic will be especially interesting to your sponsored child if he or she lives in a place where the seasons are different from where you live. Tell your child your favorite thing about this time of year.

6. What was your biggest goal when you were your sponsored child’s age? Maybe you wanted to be a firefighter or make the soccer team. Use this as an opportunity to talk about your successes, failures, and how God has a good plan for all of us.

7. What is a prayer God has answered for you? This can be a powerful way to encourage your sponsored child, especially if he or she is waiting for an answer to prayer. Don’t forget to remind your child you’re praying for him or her, too!

Click below to learn more about writing to your sponsored child. Or if you prefer, you can send an email right now.


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