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Child Sponsorship3 min read


Eve is waiting for a sponsor

April Stumme
Jul 11, 2018

When I was 5 years old, I wanted to be a teacher just like my mom.

Eve wants to be a teacher, too.

I loved singing and often sang in church with my family.

Eve also enjoys music, and she loves to sing and play with her sisters.

I was the oldest child in my family, and I wanted to make my parents proud.

Eve is the oldest too, and although she is only 5, she wants her parents to be happy with what she achieves.

Eve and I are very much alike. But we are different in one major way. I grew up in Michigan; Eve is growing up in Kikooba, Uganda. And that means that, without a sponsor, she’ll never have the future she dreams of.

In Eve’s village, 5-year-olds don’t get to go to school. Instead, they have to go to work and help their families in the fields. Instead of making friends, they pull weeds. Instead of learning new things, they water crops.

Eve doesn’t have bad parents. Her parents love her very much. But they can’t afford to send her to school. And without her help earning money, they won’t be able to afford the food she needs to stay healthy.

This desperate situation doesn’t just affect Eve. All of the children in the Kikooba community are facing the same dreary future. Without an education, they’ll have no choice except to become underpaid laborers, and girls may be forced into the sex industry or child marriage. When these kids grow up and have children of their own, those children will also work in the fields from a young age.

No one has given them any other option … until now.

A new school in Kikooba is offering kids like Eve a chance at life beyond the fields. All they need now is a sponsor to help send them. You can give a child the opportunity to go to school for the very first time by becoming a sponsor today. 

For just $35 a month, you will help cover the cost of school fees, books, and uniforms for a child like Eve. That’s just over a dollar a day! You’ll provide nutritious meals so your sponsored child can grow strong and basic medical care so he or she can stay healthy. You can be the one to break they cycle of poverty and give one child a better life.

Right now, thanks to generous donors, the school is already functioning in the Kikooba community. Those donors have laid the foundations of change in this village. But their gifts are not enough to keep the school going forever. Without long-term sponsors, the children attending that school — children like Eve — will be forced back into the fields.

But YOU can be the answer to prayer for one child today. For $35 a month — just over a dollar a day — you can give one boy or girl healthy food, clothing, and a quality education.

These children are just like you and me. They have goals, they have potential, and they have the ability to do great things. But they need help.

Will you help a child today and give him or her a chance to thrive?

Click below to see the faces of Eve and other children from the Kikooba community who are waiting for a sponsor, and begin your sponsorship journey today.


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