Another Children of the World choir tour has come to an end, but we can’t stop thinking about all the amazing things the choir got to do, the people they got to meet, and the impact they made.
Since the tour began last fall, the choir traveled to 30 different states, visited 124 churches and schools, and sung for more than 32,000 people. The kids loved experiencing all the country had to offer as they traveled over 25,000 miles.
“My favorite state was California because there are lots of oranges,” Timothy said. Susma enjoyed the heat of Florida and loved the chance to swim and play in the water. Sushil loved the beaches and lakes of Michigan. And Aronn’s favorite stop was in Pennsylvania, the state where the kids experienced snow for the first time.

But it wasn’t just the exciting places that the choir enjoyed — it was time spent with host families and new friends all across America.
When the choir reached a new city, the kids stayed with host families from local churches, allowing them to enjoy homecooked meals, other families’ traditions, and an ever-growing circle of friends.
“My favorite part of being on tour was going to host families and doing fun stuff with them like swimming, trampoline parks, and going to zoos,” one of the girls said. All of the other kids agreed that meeting new people and going new places made this a year they won’t ever forget.

During the tour, several of the children had an opportunity to meet their sponsors — a highlight of the entire year. “My favorite stop was in California because I got to meet my sponsor,” Chillian said. Meeting their sponsors reminded the choir members of the reason for the tour — to help improve the lives of other children still living in poverty.
At each event on the choir’s tour, the children shared the importance of child sponsorship with everyone they met. By the time the choir members boarded the planes to return home, this year’s tour had resulted in 1,215 newly sponsored children and 6,679 refugees who received lifesaving aid.
As they sang and danced and worshipped Jesus, the choir acted as His hands and feet, connecting kids in need with generous people who wanted to help.

For Keith and Kayla Eshleman, this year’s choir leaders, walking side by side with the kids as they deepened their faith in Jesus was the best part.
“We loved seeing our kids fall more in love with Jesus and desire to read His Word to know more about Him and His unique plan for each of their lives,” Kayla said.
Now that the tour has ended, the children are returning home, ready to discover what God has for them next.

When asked what they were most looking forward to when they get home, many of their answers were the same.
“I can’t wait to hug my family,” Peter said.
Rohit is looking forward to going back to school and eating Nepali food again.
Bibi can’t wait to see her best friends.
And several of the children shared that they are eager to tell others back home all they have learned from God’s Word this year. “I am most excited about sharing Jesus with my family,” Geneva said.
The tour may be over, but the impact these children have had will continue for years to come.
Thank you for supporting the Children of the World choir as they advocate for impoverished boys and girls around the world. Be sure to keep the children in your prayers as they readjust to life back home. And keep an eye out for the 2019-2020 tour schedule to see when the choir will be coming to a church near you!