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Child Sponsorship27 min read


8 reasons to start writing a letter to your sponsored child now

Guest Blogger
Jul 20, 2019

When I first started sponsoring a little girl from Guatemala, I would send her a letter every month. The excitement of sponsorship flowed through me, and I was eager to show her how much I was thinking about her every day. However, as the years went on and my schedule grew busier, I started writing less and less.

Maybe you haven’t written to your sponsored child in a few months. Maybe you sent him or her a letter last month and are eagerly awaiting a reply. Or maybe this is your first time writing to your sponsored child, and you don’t know how to start. Whatever the case may be, kids love receiving letters, and we have eight reasons why you should start writing a card to your sponsored child right now.

So grab a pen and some paper, and let’s get writing!

Reason #8: Letters help you learn more about each other

Writing letters allows you to learn more about your sponsored child and for him or her to learn more about you. It gives you the opportunity to ask questions, learn about your child’s interests, and share some of yours, too. There are countless things to learn about each other — from your favorite foods, to the best holiday in your culture, to your favorite knock-knock joke. The possibilities are endless!

Reason #7: You will build a relationship

Did you know that your sponsored child wants to be your friend? Even though he or she happens to live in a different country, you can still keep in touch by writing letters. Relationships with friends are built on communication, which is why corresponding on a regular basis is so important.

Reason #6: Regular communication creates trust

Another part of building a relationship is establishing trust. Your sponsored child wants to share his or her life with you. Being personal and asking questions in your letters shows that you care and that your sponsored child can open up to you.

Reason #5: Your child will treasure your letters

For many sponsored children, letters from their sponsor are as valuable as gold. Often, they will hang their letters on their walls or above their beds so they can see them whenever they are home. Each and every one of your letters is cherished by your sponsored child as one of his or her most prized possessions.

Reason #4: You can help instill confidence in your child

Children who come from poverty often suffer from a lack of confidence. The reasons vary — they may be behind in school, be embarrassed by their poor living conditions, be a victim of gender discrimination, or even have a physical disability. But you can boost a child’s self-esteem by taking time out of your schedule to write. You’ll encourage him or her to excel in all areas of life.

Reason #3: Your child needs motivation to do his or her best

Your cards and letters also motivate your sponsored child to do well in school. Your child will be encouraged to work hard and dream big knowing someone wants him or her to succeed. For perhaps the first time, your sponsored child will realize dreams can come true.

Reason #2: Writing letters helps you pray intentionally

Ask your sponsored child for specific ways you can pray for him or her. This simple question will demonstrate that what’s going on in his or her life is important to you, and it will also show that you believe in the power of prayer. Knowing that, your sponsored child may be encouraged to pray more, too, seeking God for help and provision.

Reason #1: Your letters are a reminder of how much you care!

Many children in our sponsorship program have experienced neglect either from their families or by society, but your letters remind your sponsored child that he or she is loved. It shows that you are thinking about your child and that you care. Your sponsored child will experience overflowing joy when he or she reads your letters and realizes how important he or she is to you.

There are two options for writing a letter to your sponsored child. You can write a letter by hand and mail it to World Help with your sponsored child’s name and ID number on the envelope, or you can email a note to your child. This email will be sent to World Help where it will be printed out and delivered to your child. 

Join me today in taking some time to write a note to the sponsored child in your life. He or she is sure to cherish it forever!

Kayla Hoster is a summer intern at World Help. She has also been involved in Village Transformation through her church, and her family currently sponsors two children. If you are interested in volunteering or interning with World Help like Kayla, please click here.


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