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Advocacy2 min read


Violence Intensifies in the Central African Republic

Blog Team
Dec 05, 2013

In a matter of weeks, the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) has collapsed from the inside out, causing violence, mass panic, and a mounting refugee crisis to surge through the already destabilized country with rapid force. Today, reports are reaching us of more than 100 people killed in the capital city of Bangui as a result of violence erupting in the streets.

The U.N. estimates that at least 400,000 have fled their homes to seek refuge. The turbulence has devastated infrastructure resulting in food shortages, livelihoods being dissolved, and government services ended.

Central African Republic crisis

Right now, one out of every three people in the C.A.R is in desperate need of water, food, healthcare, and protection.

Located in the capital, the children in our children’s home faces these same dangers. World Help’s Sponsorship Program staff is operating on high alert, making sure that the safety of the sponsored children living at Irene’s Home of Hope remains our top priority.

children of Central Africa

Please pray for:

  • Peace. Pray that the anticipated U.N interventions will help save lives and restore stability throughout the region.
  • Wisdom and discernment for our partners, staff, and support teams as we make decisions regarding our sponsored children’s safety.
  • Comfort and protection for each child in our C.A.R. program in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

The crushing weight of the crisis is directly affecting this program in several devastating ways. Food shortages caused by the perpetual mayhem has caused prices to soar, and our current sponsorship funds are simply not enough to bridge this ever-widening gap. Safety is also an issue as the compound where the children stay is not currently enclosed by a perimeter fence. The violence, especially toward Christians, has escalated so quickly that it is now too dangerous for our private tutors to commute to and from the premises. Local schools have been closed completely.

With your partnership, we can start meeting these needs immediately.

Central African Republic sponsorship

Your gift today of any amount will go directly toward the following three projects to ensure the safety and well-being of our sponsored children in the C.A.R.:

  • Building a secure fence around the compound of Irene’s Home of Hope
  • Cultivating the land owned by this program to produce crops. This will act as a reliable food source for the children with the potential of selling the excess at market.
  • When it is safe, continuing the children’s education through private tutors until local programs reopen.

Please join us today. We’re asking for your prayers and for your help now to ensure that every single child in our C.A.R. program remains safe, cared for, and protected in the uncertain days ahead.

Help Central Africa

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we continue to respond to this heartbreaking crisis.

Support the Central African Republic


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