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Africa2 min read


Don’t Miss “The End” . . .

I came to Africa with a group of storytellers . . . and I saw Africa through their eyes.

Africa blogging team - World Help

The power of a story is undeniable.

They give meaning to the forgotten. They shed light on what no one has seen. They breathe life into people that have been silenced by injustice and oppression.

The stories we tell say a lot about who we are and where we’re going.

Stories are meant to be shared.

But what flowed these past days was a narrative few rarely speak of . . . stories that are never shared.

Noel Yeatts - Africa

Some words had a poetic rhythm that painted a picture so full of life, you felt as if you were standing right there seeing it for yourself. Some words were quick and witty, forcing you to realize the stark realities of life. Some were bold and daring, inspiring us with a call to action.

And, some were so full of passion, awe, and worship that you simply wanted to drop to your knees.

But all were unique, and all helped me see Africa in a new, fresh way.

Destiny School - World Help Uganda

The narrative of Africa is so rich in struggle, pain, abandonment and fear that you can easily find yourself overwhelmed. But I believe that when you end up in that place of hopelessness and despair, you have forgotten God. You have made him small . . . and you have missed the end of the story.

It is as if you closed the book before reaching “The End.”

Africa child sponsorship - World Help

Today a little boy is moved to the rescue center beginning a new life.

A young girl who lost her family in a civil war is now graduating and becoming a fashion designer.

A boy who has been sponsored nearly his whole life is about to finish high school and hopes to become a brain surgeon.

A classroom full of students who had lost loved ones in the genocide are learning to sew, cook, and build.

A village full of genocide widows now have a place to call home and are singing praises.

And a new rescue center is funded that will become a home to abandoned children.

Evah Mugerwa and Noel Yeatts

This is the true narrative of Africa and this is the other side of rescue.

Rescue may begin in a dusty, dirty place. But on the other side of rescue, you find something beautiful . . . grace . . . justice . . . love. You find hope.

Although we may desperately want to, we cannot change the past for these children.  But together, I believe we can change the future.

So I invite you to continue this rescue journey with us. We still need your help.

Join the rescue today.

Watch World Help Bloggers in Africa | Noel Yeatts from World Help on Vimeo.


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