World Help Bloggers in Africa
In January 2014, World Help traveled with five passionate storytellers on an adventure into Africa. Below you can see how they each used their words to paint a new picture of Africa—one rising from the ashes of poverty.

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Project: Rescue Homes
We are raising funds to build and outfit 3 rescue homes
Too many children wander the dangerous slums of Uganda hungry, sick, and utterly alone. Operation Baby Rescue is intervening and saving countless lives.
On this trip, the World Help Bloggers launched a campaign for a much-needed expansion of the Baby Rescue Center in Uganda—Rescue Homes. These facilities are designed to provide holistic care for children who would otherwise be left for dead. Starting with the completion of a partially built home and then constructing even more, these homes will bring life to thousands of children for generations to come. We hope you’ll Join the Rescue.
Follow the progress of this project: #RescueHomes
Support the Project
Other Ways To Support Our Project
Each of the below items have been uniquely designed to support our project and Operation Baby Rescue. A portion of each product’s proceeds are attributed to our project’s goal.
Rescue Pendant Necklace
Rescue Tee
Rescue Onesie
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Meet Our Bloggers
[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Dan King” twitter=”bibledude” short_bio=”Author of The Unlikely Missionary, co-author of Activist Faith“]
Dan King is the founder and “chief instigator” at He’s also served on the editorial team for, mostly managing social media and writing an occasional post for the website. Dan’s experience in blogging has led him to experience local ministry, community outreach, and global missionary work in a very deep and meaningful way. For Dan, being “missional” is not a trendy term, but it’s where he finds God.
View All Dan’s Posts
[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Emily Wierenga” twitter=”emily_wierenga” short_bio=”Author of Save My Children, Chasing Silhouettes, and Mom in the Mirror“]
Emily Wierenga is wife to a math-teacher husband; mother and foster mother to four boys; an artist, columnist and the author of Chasing Silhouettes: How to help a Loved One Battling an Eating Disorder and Mom in the Mirror: Body Image, Beauty and Life After Pregnancy.
View All Emily’s Posts
[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Matt Appling” twitter=”MattTCoNP” short_bio=”Author of Life After Art“]
Matt Appling is an elementary art teacher and the author of Life After Art, released by Moody Publishers. He holds a Masters of Divinity and has taught and ministered in a variety of church and school environments. He and his wife, Cheri live in Kansas City, MO.
[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Michele-Lyn Ault” twitter=”michelelynault” short_bio=”Writer of A Life Surrendered“]
Michele-Lyn is more of a mess than she cares to admit, but she will. You’ll find her writing about motherhood, missions, and beautiful messes. As you read her stories, at A Life Surrendered, she hopes you find you are not alone. She’s a wife and mama to three spunky daughters and one darling son, and believes you should know, labor as a mama is work fit for God’s Kingdom. She’s a World Help blogger, and Allume contributor.
View All Michele’s Posts
[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Noel Yeatts” twitter=”nyeatts” short_bio=”Vice President of World Help and Author of Awake“]
Noel is the the vice president of World Help, a faith-based humanitarian organization that serves the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. Her work has taken me around the world to document the gripping stories of those affected by HIV/AIDS, hunger, poverty, and disease.
She is the coauthor of two books and debuted her new book ‘Awake: Doing a World of Good One Person at a Time’ in June 2012. As a noted speaker, Yeatts challenges thousands across the nation at universities, churches, conferences and special events. She lives in Virginia with her husband and two boys.
View All Noel’s Posts
Featured Trip Posts
Don’t Miss “The End” . . .
I came to Africa with a group of storytellers . . . and I saw Africa through their eyes. The power of a story is undeniable. They give meaning to the forgotten. They shed light on …
For those Skeptical About Sponsoring Children
His smile shines like the brightest dawn. This is a boy who has lost not only his 15-year-old brother, but his father–just two weeks earlier–and his mother no longer able to afford to care for him …
Missionaries Build Cathedrals, Not Strip Malls
“They say that patience is a virtue. I think it’s one of those virtues that isn’t always at the top of our lists. We like things fast. We want things now. When we order food, we want it promptly …
I only posted one or two Instagram photos each day, while I was in Africa. Mostly, because of a lack of phone service, not a lack of images. I’m sharing these photo images with you …
We Exist to Intervene
I’m struggling with getting my head wrapped around something right now. Maybe over time I’ll be able to process this better, or at least justify some excuse as to why I don’t need to fully understand …
The Savior Complex–and Why It’s Anti-Gospel
I sit on the ground with her, this woman in the brightly printed dress and crow’s feet from the Widow’s Village in Rwanda. She sits with a thud, because the genocide has that kind of impact–it has robbed …
Baseballs and the Language of Hope
I tried hard to explain what was going on … who these boys were in the picture and why they had sent these balls all the way to Africa. That my son was in the middle and that his friends had chosen to send these baseballs …
The Greatest Lesson We Can Teach Our Children
I can’t find my way around the menu. The long line of bloggers waiting for me to order, and the words blurring, there in the hotel restaurant because we’ve just returned from the Genocide Museum in Kigali, Rwanda. We’re here …
Poverty Is Not a Character Flaw: Why Our Assumptions About Global Poverty Do Not Apply
You know, poverty is not a new topic of discussion. Jesus said that the poor will always be with us. I’m not sure if he was just stating the facts or if he was making a subtle condemnation, but either way, he has been right …
We Look for the Evah’s of the World
I came to Africa with World Help, and a team of bloggers to see the rescue program in Uganda, and tell the stories of redemption and hope in Africa. Here, I’ve been in awe of the beauty of the Body of Christ …
i didn’t make myself an orphan
Today was a one of the most difficult and most anticipated days for me on this trip. It was difficult because I knew I’d be visiting the Kigali Genocide Museum. It’s a memorial built to help Rwanda (and the world) never forget …
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Follow Our Trip | #AfricaWH
Follow the adventure in Africa as we share stories of hope. From Rwandan communities reclaiming hope after the fatal wounds of genocide to the humming homes caring for Uganda’s former child soldiers . . . we’re telling stories rewritten by hope.
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