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Bibles for All2 min read


A formerly devout Hindu receives her first Bible

Blog Team
Jun 21, 2019

Pooja used to be a devoted Hindu. She was adamantly against Christianity, but that didn’t keep a local medical team from witnessing to her and sharing their faith with her whenever they got the opportunity.

You see, for a long time, Pooja — whose name we’ve changed to protect her — was very sick. She spent whatever money she had on treatments, but she was never healed. That’s when a local medical team of Christian physicians started visiting her.

But they weren’t there to just meet her physical needs. They shared the Gospel with her, as well. When they told her about the miracles of Jesus, she said she simply couldn’t believe it. Then, God gave Pooja a miracle of her own.

The team prayed that God would heal Pooja — and He did. After months of sickness, Pooja was finally well again. She could no long deny God’s miraculous power and decided to become a Christian.

But her spiritual journey wasn’t over …

Pooja needed a way to learn more about Jesus Christ so she could deepen her faith. But in her Hindu-dominated community, Bibles were scarce. She worried that without a copy of God’s Word, she would never be able to grow.

Then, someone generously provided Pooja with a Bible of her own.

“I am very glad to have a Bible,” Pooja said. “I have a desire to read it regularly and to grow in Christ. Thank you to those who provided this Bible.”

Today, you can help provide Bibles to more people like Pooja when you join Bibles for All.

As a Bibles for All Ambassador, you will send five Bibles around the world every month. That’s five Bibles for new believers eager to grow in their faith, for persecuted believers who have been praying for a Bible for years, and for seekers who are still looking for the Truth.

You will be supporting the growth of Christianity in Bible deserts all over the globe and spreading the Gospel to the nations.


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