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Spiritual Development3 min read


A persecuted Christian’s one wish

Vernon Brewer
Oct 27, 2016

I am writing to you with painful news … but it is news you can do something about.

Christians in North Korea are pleading for copies of God’s Word. They’re facing mounting persecution every day and long for Bibles so they can grow and remain strong in their faith in Jesus Christ.

For $10, you can send a Bible to one North Korean believer. The Bible you give to a persecuted Christian will be a message of hope in a time of tremendous hardship.

North Korean Christians are so desperate for God’s Word, they’re willing to risk their lives just to get their hands on a small scrap of Scripture. Bibles are often passed around from person to person, and believers will spend days memorizing as much Scripture as possible before passing it along.

Tom Thompson, World Help’s senior vice president and my good friend, has seen the conditions these believers face firsthand:

Bibles sent to North Korea may go to an individual, but it is not uncommon for it to be shared within a secret group. There are many underground house churches in North Korea that don’t even have a Bible — they share what they have memorized or what they have heard from others. Many people caught with [Bibles] are sent to jail for years without a trial. The impact of a single Bible cannot be calculated.

You can provide a Bible to a North Korean believer for only $10 … providing hope and peace that surpasses all understanding.


Like no other time in history, believers in North Korea are desperate for God’s Word despite the horrific punishment they may face if caught. Many believers undergo physical hunger and unthinkable persecution every day.

Bibles are forbidden and Christ-followers must keep their identities secret. If discovered, it can literally mean death!

But as is always the case … God is working in the darkest places on earth.

“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.” 2 Timothy 2:8-9

Your gift will bring incredible spiritual aid in a time of intense darkness to a persecuted believer in North Korea.

The Word of God is spreading throughout one of the harshest spiritual climates in world history. The seeds have been sown. God has watered and cultivated the land.

And now is the time of harvest.

God commanded us — you and me — to take His Word to the ends of the earth. You can serve as the hands and feet of Jesus halfway around the world.

Our brothers and sisters in North Korea need our help. They need Bibles so they can continue to stand strong in their faith. We cannot wait any longer!

A simple, yet life-changing gift of a Bible can mean everything, even in the worst of circumstances.

Your gift right now will bring light into a dark place and give hope to a persecuted believer — for just $10.

God has opened the doors. Please respond and help a fellow Christian in desperate need.


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