As you read this, the death toll in Nepal has reached 5,000 and thousands more are still missing.
My close friend and World Help partner Pastor Kam oversees a children’s home that we work with in Kathmandu Valley. After learning of the earthquake, I waited for what seemed like an eternity to receive the words I prayed over and over I would hear from him: We are alive.
In one breath, I heaved a sigh of relief and thanked God. But in that moment I also knew . . . this is just the beginning of Nepal’s crisis.
Though the children in this home are safe, they have been shaken to the core. Kam stopped counting the aftershocks after hours of violent tremors that made walking or traveling virtually impossible. He estimates they endured 90 aftershocks—keeping the children up all night in terror.
From the reports trickling in from our partners on the ground, Nepal is in a state of total and utter chaos.
Hundreds of thousands of people are too traumatized to even set foot in their homes, choosing instead to sleep outside in the streets with whatever bedding they can salvage. To add insult to injury, heavy rains have plagued large parts of Nepal—drenching survivors and making rescue efforts unbelievably difficult.
These people are doing their very best with what little resources they have, but aid cannot arrive soon enough.
We literally have hours—not days—to respond with solutions for the people of Nepal. World Help is appealing to everyone we know to get involved.
Tomorrow, we are sending a team to Kathmandu to assess the situation, provide comfort, and begin formulating a long-term strategy for sustainable recovery. This team will also play a critical part in the distribution of aid and crisis response operations.
But in this very moment, we have a clear picture of what is immediately needed:
- Clean water
- Food
- Tents
- Bedding
- And medical supplies
This is where you and I come in—all of us. We cannot be onlookers. There are no politics involved. Our hands are not tied. There is simply no question about what we can do.
Today, right now, I’m asking you to first and foremost ask God to intervene in the middle of this humanitarian mess. More than anything, the people of Nepal need miracles, and the international community of Christ followers must pray for nothing less.
Second, please make your best gift today to World Help’s Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund. All donations will go directly to our network of men and women on the ground who are working around the clock to care for the children and families impacted by this tragedy. Your gift means immediate assistance to earthquake survivors, and will without doubt, spare lives.
I pray you, your family, your church, and community will choose today to be the manifestation of God’s love on earth—His very hands and feet.
We can help answer Nepal’s prayers.
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