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Clean Water2 min read


It’s our most basic need, yet millions lack it

Rachel Godwin
Dec 05, 2016

Clean water — without it, none of our other needs can be adequately met.

Over 70 years ago, a wise man named Abraham Maslow came up with what he called the hierarchy of needs. His hierarchy included self-realization, a sense of belonging, and safety.

But he concluded the most vital needs were physiological: food, shelter, and, most importantly, water.

Clean water is the foundation of everything we do. Yet more than 663 million people lack access to it. That’s more than twice the number of people in America!

Our world is facing a global water crisis … but you can do your part to end it.

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Without clean water …

  • – Communities aren’t safe. Women must walk alone for miles to rivers and ponds.
  • – Communities lack a sense of belonging. Time that could be spent with one’s spouse, children, or church family must be spent collecting water. 
  • – Communities can’t reach their full potential. Dirty water makes children too sick to go to school and parents too weak to work.

But you can change that.

This Christmas season, you can provide the gift of clean water for as little as $45.

Your gifts will go directly toward sustainable wells and building clean-water projects in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Transforming entire villages and even the world begins with transforming the lives of individuals. This year, give a gift that reaches across oceans to provide one man, woman, or child with the most basic need of all — clean water.


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