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The Bible — A lifeline for North Korean believers

Vernon Brewer
Jan 25, 2018

Christians in North Korea know that getting caught with a Bible has dire consequences. They will be sent to a labor camp where the suffering and torture is unimaginable. In fact, many won’t make it out alive.

But despite the danger, they continue to beg for more Bibles!

The gift of a Bible is a lifeline for a persecuted Christian, strengthening him as he stands firm for Jesus Christ. God’s Word makes all the difference for believers like Hwan.

Hwan — whose name we’ve changed for his safety — is a Christian living in North Korea. And like all believers in the country, his life is constantly in danger. In fact, Hwan is currently in a North Korean labor camp, suffering because of his faith.

Hwan became a believer when a friend shared God’s Word with him. The hope he found in its pages transformed his life, and he began working with other undercover believers to smuggle more Bibles into the country.

North Korea is one of the largest Bible deserts in the world — a place where it is nearly impossible to find a copy of God’s Word. And without generous donors who supply Bibles and people like Hwan who secretly distribute them, believers in North Korea would never have the chance to read about Jesus Christ for themselves.

A Bible changed Hwan’s life … and he risked everything to share that hope with others.

When you give a Bible to a persecuted Christian, you give a man or woman courage to worship their Savior, no matter what they face. And when you give one Bible, you are impacting five people on average. Frequently, house churches in North Korea only have one Bible — often tattered and torn — that is shared among the entire congregation. Families often share one copy with each other to minimize the danger of being caught with a Bible.

If Hwan could speak to you today, he would tell you how powerful your gift of a Bible can be … and how God can use it to reach people in unexpected ways.

He would tell you about how he was caught smuggling Bibles. Beaten. Tortured. Interrogated for days on end. He would tell you that it was all worth it because the story doesn’t end there.

One of the guards began to show interest in the Bible, wondering why this man would risk his life for a Book. Hwan shared John 3:16 with him. Because of Hwan’s faith and his willingness to bring Bibles into North Korea, that officer became a believer.

Hwan led his jailer to Christ just like the apostle Paul did in Acts 16!

Paul wrote, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4: 8-9, ESV).

Hwan and other North Korean Christians like him believe this, as well. Daily they face persecution, but they continue to ask for more Bibles. We can’t keep up with the demand!

But you can put a Bible in the hands of a persecuted believer for just $10. You can deliver hope to people who are hungry for the Good News. Our secret distribution network can get God’s Word to the people who want it. But we need your help to supply the Bibles!

You can choose — RIGHT NOW — to shine the light of Jesus into one of the darkest places on earth! Additionally, your gift provides other life-changing help for persecuted believers and other people in need around the world.

Please pray for the people of North Korea, and please send Bibles today!


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