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Bibles in Iran: The demand is high, but the supply is low

Vernon Brewer
Jun 26, 2019

In Iran, being a Christian is one of the riskiest things you can do.

It can get you separated from your community. It can get you thrown into a prison cell. It can even get you killed. It’s one of the most dangerous places in the world for believers to live, and far too many Christians face this danger without even owning Bibles to give them comfort and strength.

These men and women live in what’s called a Bible desert — a place where God’s Word is hard to find or illegal. And without Bibles, new Christians can’t grow in their faith, and more people won’t have the chance to come to know Christ’s love.

You can meet this need today and help spread the Gospel in one of the most isolated and secretive nations on earth. It costs just $10 to print, ship, and secretly deliver a Bible to a Christian in Iran who has never owned one.

Even amid persecution and the risk of imprisonment, Iranians are pleading for more copies of the Scriptures.

Our partner recently shared this story with me:

“[There is] one woman in Iran who became a believer through reading the New Testament over a year ago. She has been loaning out her New Testament to others in her community so that they, too, can read it …

‘Please send me more,’ she asked one of our trained leaders. ‘So many here want their own copy. One woman has borrowed mine 18 times!’”

The passion and faith of these believers inspires me, and it makes me want to do everything I can to get them the Bibles they so desperately want. Will you join me?

Every $10 provides a Bible to a Christian in Iran who has never owned one before. And because they are shared with trusted family and friends, one copy of God’s Word has the power to introduce as many as five people to Jesus!

The church in Iran is growing like never before and now is the time for us to act.

In 1979 at the time of the Iran Revolution, there were fewer than 500 Christians with a Muslim background in Iran. Today, there are an estimated 800,000 Christians — that’s almost a 160,000 percent increase! More people have come to Christ in the past 40 years than in the previous 1,300 years.

Unfortunately, the number of Bibles in the country hasn’t kept up with the spiritual growth.

Evangelism and house church activities are illegal and punishable offenses. In fact, no more than eight to 12 believers can gather in one “above-ground” house church at a time for fear of being discovered. It’s not unusual for there to be only one Bible among the group because Bible distribution must remain secret.

This makes it even harder for Iranian Christians to get their hands on the God’s Word. It’s also why so many have never owned a copy for themselves.

To protect our partners, we can’t share details of how the Bibles are distributed, but one detail is abundantly clear — our partners can’t keep up with the demand, and they need people to help provide more Bibles.

The few copies in Iran right now are being shared and traded constantly. These Bibles are so worn from use, they’re falling apart. But Christians won’t stop reading the Scriptures. They aren’t afraid of persecution; they’re only afraid of going one more day without the Word of God.

Here is the truth — the church in Iran is growing, but the spiritual growth won’t continue unless we help cultivate it by sending Bibles.

For just $10, you can help send and secretly distribute a copy of God’s Word — a copy that will change the lives of people in Iran. The Bibles you send will comfort believers in the midst of persecution and help them shine the light of Jesus in one of the darkest nations in the world.


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