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Conversations4 min read


Blueprint: Increasing Our Global Impact

Blog Team
Aug 01, 2014

Watch World Help Blueprint from World Help on Vimeo.

World Help is taking the first steps of an exciting new journey that will impact millions of lives around the world. As a part of our vision to double in impact and size, we’ve constructed a working, living Blueprint . . . and we want you to be involved.

For the next five years, we’ll be focusing our energies on strengthening existing partnerships at home and overseas to maximize the eternal impact of our investments. We want to be the healthiest we’ve ever been as we move toward a future brimming with opportunities to serve.

One of the most exciting aspects of this strategy is its direct impact on our international partners. These courageous men and women have been critical to forming the “why” and “how” of the World Help Blueprint. They help make up the unique DNA of our global programs—serving as our hands and feet on the ground—and we could never accomplish what we do without their dedicated compassion. They have joined our vision for holistic expansion, and together, we anticipate great things from God’s plan for growth.

World Help Blueprint Impact

In order to help you understand the importance of the Blueprint’s significance for these partners, we have invited several of them to share more about their relationships with World Help.

“I had a vision to transform my people spiritually and socially, but I lacked the means to perfect that vision! World Help has helped me, not only to do but even to see beyond my expectations. My partnership with World Help has made me and my family a better preacher with a better approach in evangelism.”
– Alex Mitala, International Partner, Uganda

“World Help has built me up to be what I am today. It has also given me the platform to help build lives through the child sponsorship program, which is today the backbone of my ministry at Gilgal Orphan Home. World Help has not only touched my personal life but my family life as well. And most importantly it has given new lease to my ministry by giving me their untiring support when the ministry at Gilgal Orphan Home faced dark days of testing a few years back. If it had not been for the unwavering support of World Help, Gilgal Churachandpur and my Ministry will no longer exist today. So, thank you World Help! You are indeed the loving hand of God that I can see touching my life and bringing blessings to many more.”
– International Partner, India

World Help Blueprint Goes Abroad

“Here is a ministry useful in God’s hands, transforming the unprivileged children of the world from hopelessness to hopefulness, from illiterate to literate. I would personally recommend everyone to partner with World Help to help our suffering, war-battered world.”
– Jonathan Ikegwuonu, International Partner, Nigeria


A large percentage of World Help programs are committed to reaching disadvantaged children with help, hope, and meaningful relationships. We have also kept these children at the heart of our Blueprint planning stages. Our desire is for you to hear firsthand what this strategic growth initiative would mean for millions of these children in need.

Child Sponsorship in Zimbabwe - World Help

Take a moment to hear from a few of the children who have been impacted by sponsorship and other developmental programs . . .

“Things were difficult but now because of World Help, my life is so much blessed. If World Help were to double in size and impact in the next 5 years, I think this would be a great impact positively in the world. Many children and needy people will get a chance to know about Jesus and also receive proper accommodation, food, good health, and education. The world will be blessed with World Help’s growth.”
– Thomas Rai, former Children of the World choir member, Nepal

World Help child development

“Ever since I was taken care of here in [my] children’s home, I knew World Help was there for me, every providence for my education, my physical needs, spiritual needs. I’d say every basic need has been met. It is God proving Himself through World Help that He is the Father of the fatherless. World Help doesn’t just meet the physical necessities in my life but also fetched me spiritual insight through their love, affection and interactions, shaping my life.
– Ruthy Ngaikhanhoih, sponsored child, India

Watch Blueprint: Rebecca from World Help on Vimeo.

We believe these testimonies speak to the magnitude of God’s unlimited power—a promise we have seen manifested over and over again through our work in the last 23 years. He doesn’t intend to just improve lives, He means to save and radically transform them. And we want to be a part.

The World Help Blueprint is a kingdom-minded vision to join God where He is working so that lives are eternally impacted. As we look to the future, expecting God-sized tasks and pushing further than ever, we pray you will consider joining us on this rich and purposeful journey.

Explore the World Help Blueprint


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