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Reports3 min read


Bruce and Malika wanted to say ‘thank you’ from Zambia

Kelsey Campbell
Aug 14, 2021

If you listen to much Christian radio, you may have heard a new song called “Jireh” by Elevation Worship and Maverick City.

When I first heard this song, I wasn’t very familiar with what “Jehovah Jireh” meant. I looked it up and discovered it means “God will always provide.”  So when Bruce, a recipient of lifesaving supplies, recently said, “Through this hand that you’ve been giving us, people see Jehovah Jireh,” I couldn’t help but smile.

Your generosity is showing the love of Christ even if you can’t be there in person to share the Good News. You’re being the hands and feet of Jesus when you meet immediate needs.

Watch the video below to hear Bruce’s testimony:

Bruce and his wife, Malika, own a small farm in Zambia. They’re proud of what they’ve accomplished and the fact that they have a way to provide for their three children. However, selling their crops has been challenging since the coronavirus pandemic began … and now it’s winter there in the Southern Hemisphere.

That’s why gifts like yours have been so vital for Bruce and Malika.

Because of the generosity of the World Help family, a shipping container full of supplies just arrived in their Bruce and Malika’s village. They received rice, blankets, hats, clothing, and baby care kits for their young children.

When our team met Bruce and his family, he was already decked out in the hat and t-shirt he had received.

But beyond what his own family has received, Bruce is thankful for the blessings you’ve helped provide for his entire community.

“We’re really grateful for the hand that you’ve been giving,” Bruce said. “It has really been going a long way. Not only us but so many other people … especially the elderly.”

Thank you for meeting the immediate needs of people around the world.

You can help even more people like Bruce and Malika by giving again today where it’s needed most. Every dollar you give will help meet vital needs like feeding starving families, giving Bibles to persecuted Christians, providing medical care, and more.

Click the button below to find out more about how you can help and to give.

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