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Urgent need: Mosul’s people poisoned by dirty water

Urgent need: Mosul’s people poisoned by dirty water

It wasn’t long after ISIS took control of the city of Mosul that residents began falling sick. Baffled at first, many assumed the widespread sickness was the result of harsh living conditions and exposure to trauma … but they were wrong. Mosul’s people were being...
One decision can revive the forgotten

One decision can revive the forgotten

Emeregilda woke to the sun streaming through the cracks in her makeshift home. It was mid-April, and the heat was already unbearable. By noon, the temperature in her arid Guatemalan village would reach over 90 degrees. She stepped outside and peered into the water...
Your bucket list + clean water = 1 life transformed

Your bucket list + clean water = 1 life transformed

Every day, Muskan picked up a large bucket and carried it for miles to the nearest source of water … a polluted reservoir. When we think of buckets, most of us probably think about our “bucket list” — a running inventory of things we want to accomplish in our...
Is there a hole in your bucket list?

Is there a hole in your bucket list?

Skydiving, traveling the world, meeting someone famous — are any of these on your bucket list? Each of us has goals we want to accomplish to live life to the fullest. But what if living life to the fullest isn’t just about collecting life-changing experiences? What if...
Is a drink of water on your Christmas list?

Is a drink of water on your Christmas list?

All he wanted was a bottle of water. Rashad’s * life did a complete 180 in the blink of an eye. One day he was a typical 10-year-old boy going to school, playing soccer with his friends, riding his bike and watching TV. Then ISIS arrived in his town. He and his family...
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