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Our Pledge: It All Starts With Clean Water

Tucked in a hillside overlooking a valley of vibrant green is the Destiny Village of Hope. It has reclaimed the lives of children abandoned in filthy slums or orphaned by AIDS. Here, children in bright yellow uniforms eat three meals a day and receive the best...

Honduras: A New Generation of Hope

Honduras is one of the poorest nations in Latin America, but World Help sees incredible opportunities to invest in lives there by providing hope. Over the last several years, we have actively mobilized public hospitals with life-saving supplies, built clean-water...

Hope Manifested in Africa

The village of Nazigo, Uganda, is far from the beaten path and has remained largely untouched for decades. It’s a lush community—tucked in a picturesque African rainforest—but it’s also defined by the ugly reality of poverty. Our Regional Director of...

Hope Through Sustainable Farming

What do you think of when you hear the word “farming”? Most of us would think of well-fed animals, crops, flashy stainless steel, and industrialized machinery . . . maybe even apple-picking or egg-collecting. We would hardly think of school payments,...
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