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16-year-old Brianna Helped 15 Women Escape the Sex Industry!

16-year-old Brianna Helped 15 Women Escape the Sex Industry!

Brianna — a 16-year-old girl from California — set a big goal for herself last year: raise $600 to help women in Thailand and India experience freedom from the sex industry. She decided to make and sell “Freedom Bracelets,” a product of her own design, to raise...
You could turn $30 into $120 for FREE — click here to learn how!

You could turn $30 into $120 for FREE — click here to learn how!

  Health insurance, time off, employee discounts, and a retirement plan … these are all benefits we’ve come to expect from our jobs. But did you know that some employers offer to match their employees’ charitable contributions? If you haven’t already heard, we...
You can leave a legacy

You can leave a legacy

We all want to make a difference in this world. Fortunately, there are many different ways to do that — especially through charitable giving. You don’t have to write a check to help someone in desperate need. From stocks to life insurance, there are many other ways to...
A house of hope in Guatemala

A house of hope in Guatemala

The day Kelly died was one of the hardest days of David and Carol Loveland’s life. No parent plans to bury his or her child. So when David and Carol’s daughter passed away at the age of 38, they both were at a loss of how to move forward. The grief was too much for...
“I’m looking to save people’s lives”: Thomson AC

“I’m looking to save people’s lives”: Thomson AC

When Josh Thomson first heard about World Help’s mission of bringing help and hope to people in need, he wanted to get involved … but wasn’t sure he was qualified. He didn’t have much to give financially, and he didn’t know if he could make a difference. Josh still...
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