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Incoming: Your End of Summer Recap!

Incoming: Your End of Summer Recap!

Can you believe that fall is right around the corner? Soon we’ll be enjoying cooler weather, apple picking, hayrides, and pumpkin pie. To mark the end of summer, join us in celebrating what the World Help family has accomplished in just one month! Here are six...
How Do Different Countries Celebrate Christmas?

How Do Different Countries Celebrate Christmas?

  Christmas is only two weeks away! How are you celebrating the most wonderful time of year? Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? Are you already planning an elaborate Christmas dinner? Will you attend your church’s Christmas Eve service? Every family...
A New Year’s prayer for your sponsored child

A New Year’s prayer for your sponsored child

Who prays for you? Maybe your mother prays for you every night before bed. Maybe your pastor prays for you each Sunday. Maybe your spouse prays for you over his or her daily devotions. Knowing people pray for you is a reminder that they care. It shows they’ve invested...
Today, a refugee. Tomorrow, a leader.

Today, a refugee. Tomorrow, a leader.

Picture a classroom. What do you see? Rows of students sitting at their desks? A teacher writing math problems on the chalkboard? Brightly colored folders and textbooks poking out of dozens of backpacks? Chances are the classroom in your mind looks much different from...
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