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On the Syrian border: A plea for help

On the Syrian border: A plea for help

“People come and go, promising to help,” Tariq said. But that help rarely comes.I met Tariq this week in a refugee camp, where his family is struggling to survive. I’ve changed his name to protect him. They receive a stipend of just $15 per month — an impossibly small...
On the Syrian border: True healing for refugees facing trauma

On the Syrian border: True healing for refugees facing trauma

For many families I’ve met on the Syrian border, their journey to becoming refugees was a traumatic one. They arrive at the camps bearing both physical and emotional scars. This was certainly the case for Mrs. Zin and her family. I’ve shared the beginning of her story...
On the ground at the Syrian border: An impossible choice

On the ground at the Syrian border: An impossible choice

Almost a year ago to the date, I was huddled in a tent with refugees I had met on the Syrian border. Today, I’m back again … and I’m still just as overwhelmed by the stories I hear and the needs I see. I’m more convinced than ever before that we — as the body of...
From the field: Restoring sight in Guatemala

From the field: Restoring sight in Guatemala

I’ve just returned from an unforgettable trip to El Chico, Guatemala. This tiny community is tucked away in the mountains, far from any doctor’s office or clinic. So when people heard that a World Help medical team was coming to provide them with health care, they...
From the Field: Please help Syria’s child refugees

From the Field: Please help Syria’s child refugees

This week, I’ve shared a lot of the hopelessness I’ve seen on the Syrian border. But today, I want to give you an example of something that demonstrates how hope is never lost as long as compassionate people exist. One of the highlights of this trip was the chance to...
On the Syrian border: Dropping everything to flee

On the Syrian border: Dropping everything to flee

While in the Middle East this week, I stood on the Syrian border and watched as countless people poured out of the country of their birth. A few arrived in cars, but many people piled out of buses. They dragged small suitcases and trash bags containing the possessions...
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