The massacre lasted for five hours. Esther listened from the makeshift outhouse as she hid behind the door. “Convert or be killed!” shouted Boko Haram militants. Their commands were followed by screams, the popping of machine guns, and the smell of burning flesh and...
When I was a child, I liked to hide. I’d build a fort out of blankets, slip underneath my parents’ desk, or sit in the back of the linen closet to color, play with my dolls, and just be by myself. But for the children of Christians living in North Korea, hiding is not...
He’d heard the Gospel all his life while growing up in a Christian home in China. His family even hosted services and church activities at their house. But it wasn’t until he was an adult, while attending an evangelical meeting, that Yuanbo gave his life to Christ....
What is your church doing on Nov. 3? On this day — International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church — thousands of Christians around the world will join to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith. What if you took this...
All Roni wanted to do was worship with other Christians and learn more about her newfound faith in Jesus. But there was a problem. Roni lives in a country where Christians are the minority and they are often mistreated. In fact, we’ve changed her name to protect her....
On Sunday, Christians in China will gather in secret for fear of being discovered. North Koreans will read Scripture from scraps of paper where they have scrawled a few verses. Then, they’ll sneak those torn pages back into their hiding spot. Christians can be sent to...