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Will You Help Women in Need This International Women’s Day?

Will You Help Women in Need This International Women’s Day?

  Tomorrow is International Women’s Day — a time to both celebrate the accomplishments and recognize the struggles of women around the world. In places like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Thailand, and India, women and girls face unimaginable hardships every day. Both...
16-year-old Brianna Helped 15 Women Escape the Sex Industry!

16-year-old Brianna Helped 15 Women Escape the Sex Industry!

Brianna — a 16-year-old girl from California — set a big goal for herself last year: raise $600 to help women in Thailand and India experience freedom from the sex industry. She decided to make and sell “Freedom Bracelets,” a product of her own design, to raise...
Help A Girl Like Sunee this Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Help A Girl Like Sunee this Human Trafficking Awareness Day

  Tomorrow is Human Trafficking Awareness Day — a much-needed reminder that human trafficking still exists all around the world. In countries like India and Thailand, countless girls are currently trapped in the sex industry. Many of them feel they have no other...
What You Did to Change the World in Just One Month

What You Did to Change the World in Just One Month

  Seeing the incredible impact the World Help family makes every month is truly amazing! You’re always finding new ways to spread lifesaving help and hope worldwide. In one short month, the World Help family … Provided critical relief to refugees from Ukraine and...
Watch: 6 of the riskiest countries to be a Christian

Watch: 6 of the riskiest countries to be a Christian

  “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:10 (ESV) During His ministry on Earth, Jesus never shied away from the subject of persecution. Instead, He warned His followers that it was...
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