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How Do Refugee and Displaced Children Live Worldwide?

How Do Refugee and Displaced Children Live Worldwide?

  It’s no secret that life as a refugee or displaced person is difficult. But for the 43 million children worldwide who have been displaced, these struggles are shaping their lives. All around the world, children have had to flee war, violence, and tragedy in...
Will You Help Women in Need This International Women’s Day?

Will You Help Women in Need This International Women’s Day?

  Tomorrow is International Women’s Day — a time to both celebrate the accomplishments and recognize the struggles of women around the world. In places like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Thailand, and India, women and girls face unimaginable hardships every day. Both...
Why People Around the World Might Not Get the Help They Need

Why People Around the World Might Not Get the Help They Need

  “If this help stops, many people will be in a very bad condition.” – Misha, Displaced Ukrainian Read that again. Those are the words of Misha, a displaced Ukrainian our World Help team met on their recent trip to Ukraine. After two years of fighting, Misha...
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